
Email posts, videos, courses, and more

Marc Garcia · 2 years ago

Send Laravel notification email to non-registered user

Hey there. Today I'm gonna show you how to send email notifications to any user email. Normally, when you send email notifications in laravel, use the function notify, included in the main U...

Tony Lea · 4 years ago

Send Email from Ubuntu with PostFix

Sending email from a single line of code inside your Ubuntu server is actually pretty simple. Make sure that you've installed PostFix on your server and then you can simply send out emails w...

Tony Lea · 4 years ago

Setting up Postfix on Ubuntu

Postfix is an open source Mail Transfer Agent which will allow your server to receive emails from a specific address and parse that email as you see fit.

Dev Dojo · 7 years ago

Sending Emails with Laravel and Mailgun

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