
Cli posts, videos, courses, and more

Anish De · 2 years ago

Getting started with React Ink

Have you ever wondered if you can use React for the command-line interface (CLI)? Yes, you can!!! React is not only used for web development but also for making Android and iOS apps (React N...

Kim Hallberg · 2 years ago

How to create a simple CLI app with MiniCLI.

In this post we're covering how to create a simple CLI app with the help of MiniCLI. What we'll be creating is a small CLI tool to ping websites. Setting up our requirements. The first thing...

Jono · 3 years ago

4 Must-Have Tools for Developing on Windows

No I am not talking about those apps, the ones everyone probably already has installed. The VSCodes, the VIMs, the Postmans. Nor am I talking about any of those environments that you only us...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Best 5 NPM Command Line Games 🎮

Have you ever been inside of terminal and said to yourself, "I wish I could play a quick game of Pong." Yeah, me either, but if that ever comes up, here are 5 cool games that you c...

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