
Blade posts, videos, courses, and more

Bobby Iliev · 1 year ago

How to increase the size of the file upload in Laravel Voyager Media Manager?

Introduction Laravel Voyager is a great open-source admin panel for Laravel. It is also the admin panel currently used in Laravel Wave which is a Laravel SaaS starter kit. In this article, y...

Bobby Iliev · 2 years ago

How to Set a Variable in Laravel Blade Template?

Introduction The Blade templating engine has been a real game-changer for me. Blade makes it working with PHP and HTML a breeze. It allows you to use plain PHP code directly in your template...

Tina Hammar · 3 years ago

Generate random color gradient background

When users fail to adhere to your imaginary design guide you need to arm yourself to keep the look you aimed for when creating your website. In this article I'll share one of my favourite se...

Bobby Iliev · 3 years ago

How To Display HTML Tags In Blade With Laravel 8

Introduction Laravel is a great PHP framework that allows you to use Blade Templates for your frontend. Blade is a very powerful templating engine provided with Laravel that does not restric...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

The Benefits of Blade View Components

I've been around the Laravel game for quite some time now, and sometimes it's kind of hard to keep up with all the awesome new features released in this framework. I finally got around to di...

Tony Lea · 4 years ago

Custom Laravel Blade Directive

Laravel Blade is a simple templating language which make views much easier to read. Blade gives us some simple shorthand syntax for common PHP functions such as @if, @foreach, @isset, and ma...

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