
Auth posts, videos, courses, and more

Avneesh Agarwal · 1 year ago

Sign In with Solana - Authenticate Users with their Phantom Wallet

Introduction In this guide, we are going to use thirdweb auth to add sign in with Solana to our Dapps! Before we get started, below are some helpful resources where you can learn more about...

Avneesh Agarwal · 1 year ago

Stripe Subscriptions Using Sign In With Ethereum

This guide will show you how to build a complete web3 application that allows users to sign in using their web3 wallet and then join a monthly subscription via stripe. Before we get started,...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

Laravel 9 Authentication Tutorial

What is Laravel? Laravel is an open-source PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. It is an MVC framework for building simple to complex web applications using the PHP...

Avneesh Agarwal · 2 years ago

Metamask authentication in Next.js with Clerk 🔒

Hello everyone! As you have seen web3 is very popular right now. Clerk has recently released metamask authentication. So let's take a look at how to implement it in our app! What is Clerk? C...

Avneesh Agarwal · 2 years ago

How to add Twitter auth quickly with Supabase to your Next.js site ⚡

🙋‍♂️Hey there, today we are going to see how to add Twitter auth with Supabase in a Next.js app. Let's get started What we are going to build {% loom d35e0765cd7d4a77a33e82bb1634cfa7 %} Li...

Amine Dev · 5 years ago

Sentinel Social package

IntroductionSentinel Social makes authenticating your users through social networks & third-party OAuth providers an absolute breeze.The package follows the FIG standard PSR-4 to ensure...

Wael Manai · 5 years ago

Firebase Authentication in Angular

Firebase provides a very simple way to setup authentication in your apps. Here we’ll explore how to setup a simple email/password signup and authentication workflow for Angular 2+ apps using...

Wael Manai · 5 years ago

How to setup multiple authentication in Laravel 5.6

In this article we’ll cover multiple authentication in Laravel 5.6. Multiple authentication in this context is simply the process of authenticating against multiple user models.In the follow...

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