Why doesn't the theme use Menus created in Menu Builder?


Oct 14th, 2024 04:30 PM

Why doesn't the theme use Menus created in Menu Builder?


To my surprise, the menu for logged in subscriber didn't change :(

So, I followed the instruction to add code to any page

I added code menu('authenticated-menu') to resources/views/themes/tallstack/menus/authenticated.blade.php

This is the result... result.jpg


Oct 15th, 2024 01:24 AM


We had the same question some time ago about this here:

Menu front end from Voyager

Indeed, the Voyager frontend menus were dropped in Wave v2, but you could still re-implement this if you wish.

Currently, the menu files can be found here:


There are separate menu files for authenticated users and guest users.

Here is an example on how the menus worked with Wave v1 where we used to use the Voyager menus functionality for the frontend as well:

<ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
<ul class="dropdown-menu">


    if (Voyager::translatable($items)) {
        $items = $items->load('translations');


@foreach ($items as $item)


        $originalItem = $item;
        if (Voyager::translatable($item)) {
            $item = $item->translate($options->locale);

        $listItemClass = null;
        $linkAttributes =  null;
        $styles = null;
        $icon = null;
        $caret = null;

        // Background Color or Color
        if (isset($options->color) && $options->color == true) {
            $styles = 'color:'.$item->color;
        if (isset($options->background) && $options->background == true) {
            $styles = 'background-color:'.$item->color;

        $linkAttributes =  'class="nav-link"';

        // With Children Attributes
        if(!$originalItem->children->isEmpty()) {
            $linkAttributes =  'class="dropdown-toggle nav-link" data-toggle="dropdown"';
            $caret = '<span class="caret"></span>';

            if(url($item->link()) == url()->current()){
                $listItemClass = 'dropdown active';
                $listItemClass = 'dropdown';

        // Set Icon
        if(isset($options->icon) && $options->icon == true){
            $icon = '<i class="' . $item->icon_class . '"></i>';

            $linkAttributes =  'class="dropdown-item"';


    <li class="{{ $listItemClass }} nav-item">

        <a href="{{ url($item->link()) }}" target="{{ $item->target }}" style="{{ $styles }}" {!! isset($linkAttributes) ? $linkAttributes : '' !!}>
            {!! $icon !!}
            <span>{{ $item->title }}</span>
            {!! $caret !!}
            @include('theme::menus.tailwind', ['items' => $originalItem->children, 'options' => $options, 'innerLoop' => true])


You can add that to a file called tailwind.blade.php inside the menus directory, and then to include the menu in a specific view, you could use:

{!! menu('authenticated-menu', 'theme::menus.tailwind') !!}

This is all based on the Voyager menus functionality:

Voyager: Menus and Menu Builder

You can use Tailwind CSS in any blade view.