laravel deployement
Hi there, i just created a droplet in laravel 10 but my project laravel version is 8, that's why facing some issue while updating composer is there any solution how my droplet laravel version can down to version 8.
Hi there,
What you could do is to downgrade your PHP version, as the Laravel 1-Click Droplet comes with PHP 8.2.
For example, if your app uses PHP 8.0, you could run the following:
sudo apt-get install -y php$PHP-cli php$PHP-common php$PHP-mysql php$PHP-gd php$PHP-mysql php$PHP-curl php$PHP-mbstring php$PHP-xml php$PHP-zip php$PHP-fpm
Then update your Nginx server block at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/laravel
and change the PHP-FPM version from 8.2 to 8.0 and then restart Nginx.
Let me know how it goes!