A question from an amateur


Oct 20th, 2021 03:04 PM

Hey guys, hope you are doing well.

I need help creating my first saas. I have zero experience coding but the Saas Adv course makes it easy to start.

I was wondering if any of you can guide me to create a form building functionality instead of the course functionality featured in the videos.

Thanks in advance.


Oct 21st, 2021 10:31 AM

Hi there,

Once you have some knowledge on how Laravel works after having watched the SaaS adventure course, I would recommend using Laravel Wave.

It is a SaaS starter kit based on Laravel and it comes with a lot of the functionality out of the box:

Laravel Wave

I can see that you are a Pro user, so you will have access to watch the crash course on how to get started with Wave.

Once you have that up and running, you could go through this free content on YouTube where Tony is buding an actual project with Wave:

Bulding a SaaS with Laravel Wave

It is still in progress, but it will give you a very solid understanding on how to add functionality to your project and how the overall dev process goes.

Hope that this helps!

