Overwatch Queue Notifier

Overwatch Queue Notifier

Written by oliverjonasson on Feb 27th, 2023 Views Report Post


(probably sometime around 2019-2020)
Playing dps in Overwatch meant that queue times could be 10-15 min long.
Which was far too long for me to just sit and wait.
So instead of sitting by the computer I figured it would be much better to go and walk around a bit and maybe grab some water or whatever.
But I would sometimes miss that the game started and coming in late to the game.

So I needed a way to get notified when it started.


When entering a game the queue "popup" at the top of the screen would dissapear.
Since it has a static color I could have a script just looking at a pixel
Using python and some library to get pixels from the screen I was able to hack together a discord bot
that would send me a notification as soon as that pixel changed.
Later I figured this could be useful for other queues and games, etc...
So I swapped it to look at the pixel under the cursor in order to accomodate different situations.


No Gif since it's just running in the background looking at a single pixel and then sending a discord message


Looking back

I think there's many ways to go about it to setup a queue notifier but honestly the pixel looker
is very adaptable and was useful for league of legends and it can be used for anything really.

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