[Wave] /admin/themes/options/uikit gives error


Dec 28th, 2019 10:58 AM

When I click on "Settings" for either theme in a freshly installed Wave, I get an error. This is the error in the log:

local.ERROR: Undefined property: stdClass::$id (View: .../vendor/tcg/voyager/resources/views/formfields/image.blade.php)

I appreciate any help. -- Olav


Dec 28th, 2019 11:23 AM

Best Answer

(Answer to self) The problem is that $dataTypeContent->id in template vendor/tcg/voyager/resources/views/formfields/image.blade.php is not defined.

With my setting of the PHP error_reporting variable, this gives an error.

A solution would be to check the id field like shown in this gist.