How to use menus, BREAD, roles and permissions in app?


Jul 7th, 2019 01:55 PM

I am a Laravel-Voyager newbie coming from Dotnet, Codeigniter-React and Wordpress environments. This may be too elementary of a topic that I should know the answer to already. I have not found my answer in the docs or videos except for the {{!! menu('main', 'bootstrap') !!}} mentioned briefly.

I have to develop a very simple enterprise app that is CRUD (BREAD) intensive. Five roles each with diminishing authorizations.

I would like to define the menus, users, roles, permissions, tables, relationships, validation, etc in Voyager and implement the Voyager generated BREAD UI into my base application.

How do I use the BREAD UI in my app without giving everyone access to the admin route? This would save hours or days of repetitive UI coding.

Thx, Ed


Dec 24th, 2022 11:20 PM

Hi there,

I recently answered a similar question here:

Menu front end from Voyager

There I've shared a quick example on how to do add a menu template file.

Basically, Wave uses the Voyager Menu functionality which you can find more information for here:

Voyager Menus and Menu Builder

Hope that this helps!