
Feb 26th, 2018 07:56 PM

I did all the installation procedures and nothing works, I changed the PHP version to 7.0, but at the end, the database with the tables is not created

I asked for support help through the codecanyon profile, but I got no response!


Feb 27th, 2018 06:59 AM

Best Answer

You need to migrate and seed the database.

You can either do this by accessing the terminal and run php application/artisan migrate --force --seed. Or if you do not have terminal access, you can enter routes/web.php and add the following to the end of the file:

Route::get('/fix', function () {
    Artisan::call('migrate', ['--force' => true, '--seed' => true]);

Then visit to run the migrations and the seeders. Please remember to remove the above code after the fix.


Feb 27th, 2018 01:40 PM

Many thanks, everything has been fixed now! How can I translate the script?


Feb 28th, 2018 07:59 AM

Currently you will have to manually update the view files with the updated translations. The admin panel might be easier, try to set the locale to your language in application/config/app.php.