Chatter doesn't send emails?


Sep 28th, 2017 12:49 PM

Hello! I'm just wondering, why i can't receive email when someone post on the forum? I do not have SMTP server but i'm using mailgun, and it's working with password reset


Sep 28th, 2017 01:22 PM

Chatter tries to queue the emails, so what is your configuration for the queue?

Also, can you try triggering a email using this code:

$user = \App\User::where('email', 'YOUR-EMAIL')->firstOrFail();
$discussion = \DevDojo\Chatter\Models\Discussion::firstOrFail();
\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail::to($user)->queue(new \DevDojo\Chatter\Mail\ChatterDiscussionUpdated($discussion));

Then see if that triggers it.


Sep 29th, 2017 04:18 AM

Where should i put that? in sendEmailNotifications() or store() ? And Could it be, because the mail VIEW isn't copied into /resoruces/views/vendor/chatter/ ?