Forum - Chatter, folder Lang


Mar 15th, 2018 04:10 PM

Hello family, I have a question on Forums - Chatter, when I modify the content of the file Lang / alert.php, email.php, intro.php, messages.php in french. But it does not change in the display of my page, its still in English, thank you.

'words' => [ 'cancel' => 'Annuler', 'delete' => 'Supprimer', 'edit' => 'Modifier', 'yes' => 'Oui', 'no' => 'Non', 'minutes' => '1 minute| :count minutes', ],


Mar 16th, 2018 01:41 PM

Best Answer

Have you changed the locale configuration in config/app.php? And if so, to what?


Mar 16th, 2018 04:03 PM

If I modify the config / app.php in 'fr' it does not work, thank you


Mar 21st, 2018 12:23 PM

Hello, I received a change to the whole Lang/fr en file, and it works very well, thank you all.


[ 'cancel' => 'Annuler', 'delete' => 'Supprimer', 'edit' => 'Modifier', 'yes' => 'Oui', 'no' => 'Non', 'minutes' => '1 minute| :count minutes', ], 'discussion' => [ 'new' => 'Nouvelle '.trans('chatter::intro.titles.discussion'), 'all' => 'Toutes les '.trans('chatter::intro.titles.discussions'), 'create' => 'Créer une '.trans('chatter::intro.titles.discussion'), 'posted_by' => 'Publié par', 'head_details' => 'Publié dans la Categorie', ], 'response' => [ 'confirm' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette réponse?', 'yes_confirm' => 'Oui Supprimer', 'no_confirm' => 'Non merci', 'submit' => 'Envoyer une réponse', 'update' => 'Mise à jour', ], 'editor' => [ 'title' => 'Le titre de la '.trans('chatter::intro.titles.discussion'), 'select' => 'Selectionner la categorie', 'tinymce_placeholder' => 'Taper votre '.trans('chatter::intro.titles.discussion').' ici...', 'select_color_text' => 'Sélectionnez une couleur pour la '.trans('chatter::intro.titles.discussion').' (optiomal)', ], 'email' => [ 'notify' => 'Avertissez-moi quand quelqu\'un répond', ], 'auth' => 'S\'il vous plait Connexion or S\'inscrire pour laisser une réponse.', ];

Aug 9th, 2019 08:52 AM

You need to use a plugin or module for translation. It convert your language automatically. If you want to do it custom then you need to check this in github. You can take help from here.