
Javascript posts, videos, courses, and more

Dhairya Shah · 2 months ago

How to set up your own proxy server in minutes?

Today, most websites track your online activities by capturing essential information such as IP addresses, cookies, and geolocation. All this information starts associating with the user, an...

Ashutosh Mishra · 8 months ago

React useState() Made Easy for Beginners

The React way of dynamically updating a website’s content is different from Vanilla JavaScript. In JavaScript, we do it by directly manipulating DOM whereas, in React, we have a feature call...

Ashutosh Mishra · 8 months ago

13 Best React Libraries for Devs in 2023

Being a modern React developer is not only about understanding the core concepts of React but also about getting well versed with the whole ecosystem of React. This includes having the knowl...

Mike Young · 10 months ago

A quick and easy guide to creating a sitemap for a Next.js site

If you're looking to generate sitemaps for your Next.js website, the next-sitemap npm package is a great tool to help you with that. In this tutorial, I'll guide you through the process of u...

Supernova3339 · 11 months ago

The Importance of a CSS Preloader and How to Implement One

In today's fast-paced world, online users have come to expect quick and seamless interactions with websites and applications. Slow loading times, while common, can leave users feeling frustr...

Karthikeyan · 11 months ago

Integrating ESRI Maps into your React App

ESRI maps are widely used in web application development because they provide a comprehensive set of tools for creating and working with maps. React is a popular JavaScript library for build...

Francesco Ciulla · 1 year ago

Kubernetes quick tutorial

👋 Introduction Let's make the simplest but understandable Kubernetes example ever. Video version: {% youtube noJmOirhHKM %} We will create our first example with Kubernetes starting from sc...

Rishi Purwar · 1 year ago

Build a Custom Toast Notification Component with ReactJs & Context API

Toast notifications are a popular way to provide users with quick feedback and alerts on actions they take on the web application. While there are many pre-built libraries available for addi...

Bobby Iliev · 1 year ago

8 Awesome VS Code Extensions for JavaScript Developers

Introduction Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular, lightweight, and powerful source code editor developed by Microsoft. It has extensive support for JavaScript and TypeScript, making it...

Bobby Iliev · 1 year ago

Simulating Streaming Data for Fraud Detection with Datagen CLI

Introduction Building and testing a real-time fraud detection application requires a continuous stream of realistic data. But generating that data can be a challenge. That's why we recently...

Rahul · 1 year ago

Getting Started with JavaScript Optional Chaining

Are you writing code that needs to quickly access properties or invoke methods of an object—without worrying if the object or related data is null or undefined? If so, then you need optional...

Rahul · 1 year ago

What is Javascript Slice? Practical examples and guide

If you're new to coding, the term 'slice method' may be daunting. Put simply, the slice method is a powerful JavaScript tool that lets you extract sections of an array or string. It's one of...

Rahul · 1 year ago

React UseEffect Hook: A Definitive Guide for Beginners

The useEffect hook is one of the most important hooks of React. It allows you to perform effects in a declarative way, instead of using imperative code inside React components. It offers a s...

Rahul · 1 year ago

Using foreach() To Iterate Through an Array in JavaScript

If you're a JavaScript newbie or avid reader or pro or anything, you know that forEach is an incredibly useful tool. But what, exactly, is it and how does it work? forEach is a built-in arra...

Rahul · 1 year ago

Learn how to parse URLs in JavaScript in 2023

Have you ever wanted to understand how URLs work in JavaScript? If so, then you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll be diving deep into the topic of URL parsing in JavaScript...

Rahul · 1 year ago

5 ways to merge arrays in JavaScript (easy)

If you’re coding in JavaScript, chances are you’ve come across the need to merge two or more arrays. And while there's no one-size-fits-all approach to combining arrays, there are a few diff...

Baransel · 1 year ago

Getting Started with JavaScript Switch Case: A Beginner's Guide

Sign up to my newsletter for more tutorials!. JavaScript is a popular programming language used to create interactive websites and web applications. One of the most useful features of Java...

Valerio · 1 year ago

Why and how to create an Event Bus in Vuejs 3

Have you ever used an event bus in Vue 2 and don't know how to recreate it in Vue 3? Since I'm working on the 2.0 version of my product's UI (to be released in May) I'm publishing some techn...

Rohith Gilla · 1 year ago

Automate your personal CRM with Notion and Hazel Base

Introduction Hazelbase and Notion are two powerful tools that can be used together to create a custom CRM system. With Hazelbase, you can organize data from the internet into an identity net...

Valerio · 1 year ago

How to make Vite Hot Module Replacement work on Windows

As many of our community mamebers already know, we recently started the renovation of the Inspector dashboard UI with a fresh new design and a modern technology stack. In this article I will...

amenaisabuwala · 1 year ago

Let's make JavaScript logo with HTML and CSS! 💛

Heyy Smarties! 😎 How are you all doing? Hope you all are doing well! Today we are gonna make a JS logo with HTML and CSS it's gonna be fun! 🥳 And when you'll make it you need to post on T...

Rahul · 1 year ago

Unlocking the Power of Polymorphism in JavaScript: A Deep Dive

Polymorphism is a concept in object-oriented programming that allows objects of different types to be treated as objects of a common type. This allows for more flexible and reusable code, as...

Rahul · 1 year ago

How To Customize React Components with Props

In React, props are a way to pass data from a parent component to a child component. Props are essentially arguments that you can pass to a React component. They are similar to function argu...

Rahul · 1 year ago

How to create components in React (create custom components) | React Recipes

Previously I discussed creating your first react app, in this post, we'll learn more about, props, states, creating your first react component, and many things. {% bmc rahuldotbiz %} So, Wha...

Rahul · 1 year ago

How to create react elements with JSX | React Recipes

JSX is a powerful tool for building user interfaces that is easy to read and understand, and can improve the performance and maintainability of your code. In this blog post we will learn abo...

Bobby Iliev · 1 year ago

How to increase the size of the file upload in Laravel Voyager Media Manager?

Introduction Laravel Voyager is a great open-source admin panel for Laravel. It is also the admin panel currently used in Laravel Wave which is a Laravel SaaS starter kit. In this article, y...

Rahul · 1 year ago

32 best JavaScript snippets (one-liners) in 2023

Hi there, my name is Rahul and I am 18 years old. My goal is to become a successful developer, and I am interested in building web apps with frontend technologies. Today, I'd like to share s...

Rahul · 1 year ago

Learn react in 2023 (what is create-react-app) | React Recipes

Welcome to this article on React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces! React is a popular and widely-used tool for developing web applications and has gained a lot of traction...

Imamuzzaki Abu Salam · 1 year ago

Hello React, Goodbye useEffect (I Hope)

In this article, I will show you how to use React to replace useEffect in most cases. I've been watching "Goodbye, useEffect" by David Khoursid, and it's 🤯 blows my mind in a 😀 g...

Souptik Debnath · 1 year ago

8 Best Video Games For Web Developers 💻

In this post, I'll share with you 8 video games that can help you become a better web developer. From problem-solving and logic to design, playing these games will help you develop a variety...

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