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Welcome to the Auth Docs

DevDojo Auth is an open-source composer package that adds customizable authentication screens to your Laravel application. Just drop it in, and you're ready to go!

Quick Start

After installation, visit /auth/setup to customize your authentication appearance and functionality.

You'll also be able to visit these Authentication Pages.

Why use it?

Below are a few problems and solutions that this package aims to offer.

Problem: Managing Multiple Auth Systems

Managing multiple authentication systems across several Laravel apps is tedious and error-prone.

Solution: One Package to Rule Them All

Use a single authentication solution for effortless updates and consistent security.

Problem: Broken Signup Process

You write code, it accidentially breaks the authetication and users cannot access your app.

Solution: Fully Tested Authentication

You write code, and our GitHub CI action runs ensuring authentication is fully functional.

Problem: Time Consuming

Updating authentication functionality wastes valuable development time.

Solution: Time-Saving

Use this package to easily make updates to your authentication in seconds.

Problem: Poor User Experience

Authentication pages can be boring, or too busy, resulting in a poor user experience.

Solution: Beautiful User Experience

DevDojo Auth provides a beautiful and seamless authentication experience.

How to use it?

DevDojo Auth works with any new Laravel application and it also works with the many available Laravel starter kits. Read-on to learn more about installing this package in your application.