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Authentication Pages

DevDojo Auth contains many pages that provide functionality for the most common authentication use cases. Below is a preview and overview of all the available authentication pages.


The Login Page. Visit this page at /auth/login

Authentication login page
The login page is where a user can enter their email address and password and be authenticated in your application. You may optionally choose to show social provider links on this page.


The Register Page. Visit this page at /auth/register

Authentication register page
The registration page is where a user can sign up for a new account. Additionally, you can require users to provide their full name and allow them so register from any Social Provider.

Verify Email

The Email Verification Page. Visit this page at /auth/verify

Authentication verify page
By default users are not required to verify their email. Toggle the Registration Require Email Verification option in the settings to show this screen after account creation.

Password Confirmation

The Password Confirmation Page. Visit this page at /auth/confirm

Authentication confirm page
Add the password.confirm middleware to any page, and users will be required to confirm their password before gaining access to the page.

Password Reset Request

The Password Reset Request Page. Visit this page at /auth/password/reset

Authentication password-reset-request page
This page allows users to reset their password after clicking the reset link sent to their email.

Password Reset

The Password Reset Page. Visit this page at /auth/password/ReAlLyLoNgToKeNhErE

Authentication password-reset page
This is the actual password reset page. When the user clicks a link from their email to reset their password, this is the page they will see, allowing them to reset their password.

Two-Factor Challenge

The Two-Factor Authentication Challenge Page. Visit this page at /auth/two-factor-challenge

Authentication two-factor page
If you are using 2FA and the user has enabled 2FA for their account, this is the page they will see after attempting to log in. Learn more about Two-Factor Authentication here.

When using 2FA you need to have the Imagick extension installed to generate the QR code image. You'll also need to install the PHP extension via composer require ext-imagick

Two-Factor Setup

If you are not utilizing Jetstream, you'll want a way for users to enable two-factor authentication. You can do this by directing users to /user/two-factor-authentication or you can iframe this page into your app.


You may also visit the /auth/logout route to logout and clear the user session.

Next, lets dive into the customizations you can implement in your authentication pages.