Those who are alert of the subreddit of Sapphire Crown (r/SapphireCrown) will have noticed recently I stumbled upon problems with my editor, that corrupted my project files and left most of the game unavaliable. The progress is not too deep, but still, that prompts a question: Should I change the program I use to code?
Up until now, I used Godot 4. I got a bit used to it, despite being pretty much a newcomer to the platform. But the coding is giving me a bit of trouble when it comes to finding adequate tutorials, as well as I have lost trust since this mistake happened.
It may all me just provisional mistakes and no difficulties would appear again, but I am afraid on further steps of the project to be taken during July and August, the project may get harder and harder to recover.
That is why today I ask YOU, the reader, what do you think should happen? Should I bet for a safer and easier program to code? Or Godot is fine and I should carry on with the development as always?
Note: Development is being slow these days as I have not enough knowledge on some aspects of the coding involving haha. But music and graphic design are advancing at a QUICK pace. Believe me when I say around 40% of the percentage left is coding, so the progress is relative.
Send me an email, comment on this post, post on the subreddit... any advice is greatly appreciated!
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