CSS Padding
The CSS padding property is used to add space inside an element or around the content of the element. Take a quick look at the following example.
If we apply the following CSS:
padding: 50px;
background: blue;
color: white;
To the following element:
<div class="box">CSS Padding Example</div>
We would end up with the following result:
CSS padding property
And as you can see we have a padding of 50
pixels inside of the element and around the content.
CSS padding works the same way as CSS margins. If we specify 1 value it will add the padding to all sides of our element. Specifying 2 values will add the padding to the top-bottom and left-right, finally 4 values will apply padding to the top, right, bottom, and left side respectively.
Next, let’s move on to talking about the CSS width and height properties.