Site description on google


Sep 21st, 2023 03:57 AM

Hi Guys,

I have deployed my app with Laravel Forge. I however noticed this when finding my page on google: Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 12.56.22.png

Any idea how to change this?


Sep 21st, 2023 04:21 AM

Best Answer

Hi there,

This seems like it's the title of your site is not set. If you are using Wave, you can do that in your settings and define a site title and description:

Then if you inspect your HTML, you should see the title in there, eg:

After that it might take a while for google to crawl your website again. You can sing up for the Google search console to speed that up:

Let me know how it goes!


Sep 21st, 2023 04:34 AM

Hi Bobby,

Excellent thanks man!