Adding bread to voyager
I am reaching out today because it seems no matter what I do, adding my tables as bread works and able to edit the bread but cannot browse to it like you can posts, pages, and etc. When I try to browse the bread for my stores table it takes me to a custom front end page that I wrote? No matter what I do is still goes to that page. I even commented out my custom routes thinking that might be it. Nope, didnt work either. I wanted to use the bread because my business partner is not a developer and needs a way to enter data in voyager.
I could write a custom admin panel but that defeats the purpose lol.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi there,
Just to clarify, is it the browse button in the Voyager Admin that you are referring to? Eg, the /admin/stores/{id}
Or is it a custom browse page that you've created?
Here are steps to diagnose and possibly resolve the issue:
Check Voyager Routes File: Ensure that your Voyager routes are being loaded. Check the
file and ensure that you have:Voyager::routes();
Order of Routes: In Laravel, the order of routes matters. Make sure you define your custom routes after
. This ensures that Voyager routes will take precedence over any conflicting custom routes. -
Route Caching: If you've used route caching (
php artisan route:cache
), it's possible you're seeing the cached routes. Clear the route cache and try again:php artisan route:clear
Let me know if any of those help!
Yes sir, I am referring to the voyager browse button after you add bread to a table. I know voyager creates the route for you when you create the bread and I though it had to be 1 a unique slug and 2, it has to match the table name i thought.
I have custom routes for /stores prefixed in a custom web.php that is called in the main web.php, below the wave and voyager routes. When you create the bread it asks for a unique slug but also thought it had to be the plural version of the table name. However, I looked it up and the slug can be anything I guess so long as its unique.
I had already tried all of that before creating this post
What I could suggest in this case is to run php artisan route:list | grep stores
in your terminal.
This will show you all the routes associated with 'stores' and might give you a clue about any unexpected routes.
This will also help you pinpoint which route might be getting in the way of the Voyager browse routes.
I will do that. Thank you for that. We learn something new everyday!
I ran the command and believe i found the issue. Below are my listed routes
shop4charities.org_9fnlffgw5fp@server:~/httpdocs$ php artisan route:list
GET|HEAD / ............. wave.home › Wave\Http\Controllers\HomeController@index
GET|HEAD @{username} wave.profile › Wave\Http\Controllers\ProfileController@in…
GET|HEAD _dusk/login/{userId}/{guard?} dusk.login › Laravel\Dusk › UserControl…
GET|HEAD _dusk/logout/{guard?} dusk.logout › Laravel\Dusk › UserController@log…
GET|HEAD _dusk/user/{guard?} ... dusk.user › Laravel\Dusk › UserController@user
POST _ignition/execute-solution ignition.executeSolution › Spatie\LaravelI…
GET|HEAD _ignition/health-check ignition.healthCheck › Spatie\LaravelIgnition …
POST _ignition/update-config ignition.updateConfig › Spatie\LaravelIgnitio…
GET|HEAD admin ...... voyager.dashboard › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerController@index
GET|HEAD admin/announcements voyager.announcements.index › TCG\Voyager › Voyag…
POST admin/announcements › TCG\Voyager › Voyag…
POST admin/announcements/action voyager.announcements.action › TCG\Voyager…
GET|HEAD admin/announcements/create voyager.announcements.create › TCG\Voyager…
GET|HEAD admin/announcements/order voyager.announcements.order › TCG\Voyager …
POST admin/announcements/order voyager.announcements.update_order › TCG\Vo…
GET|HEAD admin/announcements/relation voyager.announcements.relation › TCG\Voy…
POST admin/announcements/remove › TCG\V…
GET|HEAD admin/announcements/{id} › TCG\Voyager › V…
PUT|PATCH admin/announcements/{id} voyager.announcements.update › TCG\Voyager …
DELETE admin/announcements/{id} voyager.announcements.destroy › TCG\Voyager …
GET|HEAD admin/announcements/{id}/edit voyager.announcements.edit › TCG\Voyage…
GET|HEAD admin/announcements/{id}/restore voyager.announcements.restore › TCG\…
GET|HEAD admin/bread voyager.bread.index › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBreadControlle…
POST admin/bread › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBreadControlle…
GET|HEAD admin/bread/delete_relationship/{id} voyager.bread.delete_relationshi…
POST admin/bread/relationship voyager.bread.relationship › TCG\Voyager › V…
PUT admin/bread/{id} voyager.bread.update › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBreadCon…
DELETE admin/bread/{id} voyager.bread.delete › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBreadCon…
GET|HEAD admin/bread/{table}/create voyager.bread.create › TCG\Voyager › Voyag…
GET|HEAD admin/bread/{table}/edit voyager.bread.edit › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBr…
GET|HEAD admin/categories voyager.categories.index › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBase…
POST admin/categories › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBase…
POST admin/categories/action voyager.categories.action › TCG\Voyager › Voy…
GET|HEAD admin/categories/create voyager.categories.create › TCG\Voyager › Voy…
GET|HEAD admin/categories/order voyager.categories.order › TCG\Voyager › Voyag…
POST admin/categories/order voyager.categories.update_order › TCG\Voyager …
GET|HEAD admin/categories/relation voyager.categories.relation › TCG\Voyager …
POST admin/categories/remove › TCG\Voyager…
GET|HEAD admin/categories/{id} › TCG\Voyager › Voyager…
PUT|PATCH admin/categories/{id} voyager.categories.update › TCG\Voyager › Voyag…
DELETE admin/categories/{id} voyager.categories.destroy › TCG\Voyager › Voya…
GET|HEAD admin/categories/{id}/edit voyager.categories.edit › TCG\Voyager › Vo…
GET|HEAD admin/categories/{id}/restore voyager.categories.restore › TCG\Voyage…
GET|HEAD admin/compass voyager.compass.index › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerCompassCon…
POST admin/compass › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerCompassCont…
GET|HEAD admin/database voyager.database.index › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerDatabase…
POST admin/database › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerDatabase…
GET|HEAD admin/database/create voyager.database.create › TCG\Voyager › Voyager…
GET|HEAD admin/database/{database} › TCG\Voyager › Voyag…
PUT|PATCH admin/database/{database} voyager.database.update › TCG\Voyager › Voy…
DELETE admin/database/{database} voyager.database.destroy › TCG\Voyager › Vo…
GET|HEAD admin/database/{database}/edit voyager.database.edit › TCG\Voyager › …
GET|HEAD admin/do .............................................................
GET|HEAD admin/login voyager.login › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerAuthController@login
POST admin/login voyager.postlogin › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerAuthController@p…
POST admin/logout . voyager.logout › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerController@logout
GET|HEAD admin/media › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerMediaControlle…
POST admin/media/crop › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerMediaContr…
POST admin/media/delete_file_folder › TCG\Voyager › V…
POST admin/media/files › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerMediaCon…
POST admin/media/move_file › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerMedia…
POST admin/media/new_folder › TCG\Voyager › Voyag…
POST admin/media/rename_file › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerM…
POST admin/media/upload › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerMediaC…
GET|HEAD admin/menus voyager.menus.index › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseController…
POST admin/menus › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseController…
POST admin/menus/action voyager.menus.action › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCo…
GET|HEAD admin/menus/create voyager.menus.create › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCo…
GET|HEAD admin/menus/order voyager.menus.order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCont…
POST admin/menus/order voyager.menus.update_order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerB…
GET|HEAD admin/menus/relation voyager.menus.relation › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBa…
POST admin/menus/remove › TCG\Voyager › Voyager…
GET|HEAD admin/menus/{id} › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseContro…
PUT|PATCH admin/menus/{id} voyager.menus.update › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCont…
DELETE admin/menus/{id} voyager.menus.destroy › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCon…
GET|HEAD admin/menus/{id}/edit voyager.menus.edit › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseC…
GET|HEAD admin/menus/{id}/restore voyager.menus.restore › TCG\Voyager › Voyage…
GET|HEAD admin/menus/{menu}/builder voyager.menus.builder › TCG\Voyager › Voya…
POST admin/menus/{menu}/item voyager.menus.item.add › TCG\Voyager › Voyage…
PUT admin/menus/{menu}/item voyager.menus.item.update › TCG\Voyager › Voy…
DELETE admin/menus/{menu}/item/{id} voyager.menus.item.destroy › TCG\Voyager…
POST admin/menus/{menu}/order voyager.menus.order_item › TCG\Voyager › Voy…
GET|HEAD admin/pages voyager.pages.index › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseController…
POST admin/pages › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseController…
POST admin/pages/action voyager.pages.action › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCo…
GET|HEAD admin/pages/create voyager.pages.create › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCo…
GET|HEAD admin/pages/order voyager.pages.order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCont…
POST admin/pages/order voyager.pages.update_order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerB…
GET|HEAD admin/pages/relation voyager.pages.relation › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBa…
POST admin/pages/remove › TCG\Voyager › Voyager…
GET|HEAD admin/pages/{id} › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseContro…
PUT|PATCH admin/pages/{id} voyager.pages.update › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCont…
DELETE admin/pages/{id} voyager.pages.destroy › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCon…
GET|HEAD admin/pages/{id}/edit voyager.pages.edit › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseC…
GET|HEAD admin/pages/{id}/restore voyager.pages.restore › TCG\Voyager › Voyage…
GET|HEAD admin/plans voyager.plans.index › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseController…
POST admin/plans › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseController…
POST admin/plans/action voyager.plans.action › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCo…
GET|HEAD admin/plans/create voyager.plans.create › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCo…
GET|HEAD admin/plans/order voyager.plans.order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCont…
POST admin/plans/order voyager.plans.update_order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerB…
GET|HEAD admin/plans/relation voyager.plans.relation › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBa…
POST admin/plans/remove › TCG\Voyager › Voyager…
GET|HEAD admin/plans/{id} › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseContro…
PUT|PATCH admin/plans/{id} voyager.plans.update › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCont…
DELETE admin/plans/{id} voyager.plans.destroy › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCon…
GET|HEAD admin/plans/{id}/edit voyager.plans.edit › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseC…
GET|HEAD admin/plans/{id}/restore voyager.plans.restore › TCG\Voyager › Voyage…
GET|HEAD admin/posts voyager.posts.index › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseController…
POST admin/posts › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseController…
POST admin/posts/action voyager.posts.action › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCo…
GET|HEAD admin/posts/create voyager.posts.create › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCo…
GET|HEAD admin/posts/order voyager.posts.order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCont…
POST admin/posts/order voyager.posts.update_order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerB…
GET|HEAD admin/posts/relation voyager.posts.relation › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBa…
POST admin/posts/remove › TCG\Voyager › Voyager…
GET|HEAD admin/posts/{id} › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseContro…
PUT|PATCH admin/posts/{id} voyager.posts.update › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCont…
DELETE admin/posts/{id} voyager.posts.destroy › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCon…
GET|HEAD admin/posts/{id}/edit voyager.posts.edit › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseC…
GET|HEAD admin/posts/{id}/restore voyager.posts.restore › TCG\Voyager › Voyage…
GET|HEAD admin/profile voyager.profile › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerUserController@p…
GET|HEAD admin/roles voyager.roles.index › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerRoleController…
POST admin/roles › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerRoleController…
POST admin/roles/action voyager.roles.action › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerRoleCo…
GET|HEAD admin/roles/create voyager.roles.create › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerRoleCo…
GET|HEAD admin/roles/order voyager.roles.order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerRoleCont…
POST admin/roles/order voyager.roles.update_order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerR…
GET|HEAD admin/roles/relation voyager.roles.relation › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerRo…
POST admin/roles/remove › TCG\Voyager › Voyager…
GET|HEAD admin/roles/{id} › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerRoleContro…
PUT|PATCH admin/roles/{id} voyager.roles.update › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerRoleCont…
DELETE admin/roles/{id} voyager.roles.destroy › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerRoleCon…
GET|HEAD admin/roles/{id}/edit voyager.roles.edit › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerRoleC…
GET|HEAD admin/roles/{id}/restore voyager.roles.restore › TCG\Voyager › Voyage…
GET|HEAD admin/settings voyager.settings.index › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerSettings…
POST admin/settings › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerSettings…
PUT admin/settings voyager.settings.update › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerSetting…
DELETE admin/settings/{id} voyager.settings.delete › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerSe…
PUT admin/settings/{id}/delete_value voyager.settings.delete_value › TCG\…
GET|HEAD admin/settings/{id}/move_down voyager.settings.move_down › TCG\Voyage…
GET|HEAD admin/settings/{id}/move_up voyager.settings.move_up › TCG\Voyager › …
GET|HEAD admin/stores ............ voyager.stores.index › StoreController@index
POST admin/stores ............ › StoreController@store
POST admin/stores/action ... voyager.stores.action › StoreController@action
GET|HEAD admin/stores/create ... voyager.stores.create › StoreController@create
GET|HEAD admin/stores/order ...... voyager.stores.order › StoreController@order
POST admin/stores/order voyager.stores.update_order › StoreController@upda…
GET|HEAD admin/stores/relation voyager.stores.relation › StoreController@relat…
POST admin/stores/remove › StoreController@rem…
GET|HEAD admin/stores/{id} ......... › StoreController@show
PUT|PATCH admin/stores/{id} ..... voyager.stores.update › StoreController@update
DELETE admin/stores/{id} ... voyager.stores.destroy › StoreController@destroy
GET|HEAD admin/stores/{id}/edit .... voyager.stores.edit › StoreController@edit
GET|HEAD admin/stores/{id}/restore voyager.stores.restore › StoreController@re…
GET|HEAD admin/themes voyager.theme.index › DevDojo\Themes › ThemesController@…
GET|HEAD admin/themes/activate/{theme} voyager.theme.activate › DevDojo\Themes…
DELETE admin/themes/delete voyager.theme.delete › DevDojo\Themes › ThemesCon…
GET|HEAD admin/themes/options ........................................ voyager.
GET|HEAD admin/themes/options/{theme} voyager.theme.options › DevDojo\Themes …
POST admin/themes/options/{theme} › DevDojo\The…
POST admin/upload . voyager.upload › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerController@upload
GET|HEAD admin/users voyager.users.index › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseController…
POST admin/users › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseController…
POST admin/users/action voyager.users.action › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCo…
GET|HEAD admin/users/create voyager.users.create › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCo…
GET|HEAD admin/users/order voyager.users.order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCont…
POST admin/users/order voyager.users.update_order › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerB…
GET|HEAD admin/users/relation voyager.users.relation › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBa…
POST admin/users/remove › TCG\Voyager › Voyager…
GET|HEAD admin/users/{id} › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseContro…
PUT|PATCH admin/users/{id} voyager.users.update › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCont…
DELETE admin/users/{id} voyager.users.destroy › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseCon…
GET|HEAD admin/users/{id}/edit voyager.users.edit › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerBaseC…
GET|HEAD admin/users/{id}/restore voyager.users.restore › TCG\Voyager › Voyage…
GET|HEAD admin/voyager-assets voyager.voyager_assets › TCG\Voyager › VoyagerCo…
GET|HEAD advertisers/create advertisers.create › AdvertiserFormController@crea…
POST advertisers/store . › AdvertiserFormController@store
GET|HEAD announcement/{id} wave.announcement › Wave\Http\Controllers\Announcem…
GET|HEAD announcements wave.announcements › Wave\Http\Controllers\Announcement…
POST announcements/read › Wave\Http\Controllers\An…
POST api/login ............. Wave\Http\Controllers\API\AuthController@login
POST api/logout ........... Wave\Http\Controllers\API\AuthController@logout
POST api/refresh ......... Wave\Http\Controllers\API\AuthController@refresh
POST api/register ....... Wave\Http\Controllers\API\AuthController@register
POST api/token ............. Wave\Http\Controllers\API\AuthController@token
GET|HEAD api/user .............................................................
GET|HEAD api/{datatype} ........ Wave\Http\Controllers\API\ApiController@browse
POST api/{datatype} ........... Wave\Http\Controllers\API\ApiController@add
GET|HEAD api/{datatype}/{id} ..... Wave\Http\Controllers\API\ApiController@read
PUT api/{datatype}/{id} ..... Wave\Http\Controllers\API\ApiController@edit
DELETE api/{datatype}/{id} ... Wave\Http\Controllers\API\ApiController@delete
GET|HEAD arrilot/load-widget .... Arrilot\Widgets › WidgetController@showWidget
GET|HEAD blog .......... › Wave\Http\Controllers\BlogController@index
GET|HEAD blog/{category} › Wave\Http\Controllers\BlogContro…
GET|HEAD blog/{category}/{post} › Wave\Http\Controllers\BlogCon…
POST cancel wave.cancel › Wave\Http\Controllers\SubscriptionController@can…
GET|HEAD cancelled ............................................. wave.cancelled
GET|HEAD categories ............... categories.index › CategoryController@index
GET|HEAD categories/{slug} .......... › CategoryController@show
GET|HEAD category-forms/create categories.create › CategoryFormController@crea…
POST category-forms/store . › CategoryFormController@store
POST checkout checkout › Wave\Http\Controllers\SubscriptionController@chec…
GET|HEAD checkout/welcome .....................................................
GET|HEAD dashboard wave.dashboard › Wave\Http\Controllers\DashboardController@…
GET|HEAD docs/{page?} .........................................................
GET|HEAD impersonate/leave impersonate.leave › Lab404\Impersonate › Impersonat…
GET|HEAD impersonate/take/{id}/{guardName?} impersonate › Lab404\Impersonate …
GET|HEAD install ................................................. wave.install
GET|HEAD livewire/livewire.js Livewire\Controllers › LivewireJavaScriptAssets@…
GET|HEAD livewire/ Livewire\Controllers › LivewireJavaScriptAss…
POST livewire/message/{name} livewire.message › Livewire\Controllers › Htt…
GET|HEAD livewire/preview-file/{filename} livewire.preview-file › Livewire\Con…
POST livewire/upload-file livewire.upload-file › Livewire\Controllers › Fi…
GET|HEAD login ..................... login › Auth\LoginController@showLoginForm
POST login ..................................... Auth\LoginController@login
POST logout .......................... logout › Auth\LoginController@logout
GET|HEAD logout wave.logout › Wave\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController@logout
POST notification/read/{id} › Wave\Http\Controllers…
GET|HEAD notifications wave.notifications › Wave\Http\Controllers\Notification…
GET|HEAD p/{page} ................... Wave\Http\Controllers\PageController@page
POST paddle/webhook .. Wave\Http\Controllers\SubscriptionController@webhook
POST password/email › Auth\ForgotPasswordController@sendRes…
GET|HEAD password/reset password.request › Auth\ForgotPasswordController@showL…
POST password/reset .. password.update › Auth\ResetPasswordController@reset
GET|HEAD password/reset/{token} password.reset › Auth\ResetPasswordController@…
GET|HEAD pricing ................................................. wave.pricing
GET|HEAD register ..... register › Auth\RegisterController@showRegistrationForm
POST register ............................ Auth\RegisterController@register
POST register/complete wave.register-complete › Wave\Http\Controllers\Auth…
GET|HEAD sanctum/csrf-cookie sanctum.csrf-cookie › Laravel\Sanctum › CsrfCooki…
POST settings/api › Wave\Http\Controllers\SettingsC…
PUT settings/api/{id?} wave.settings.api.put › Wave\Http\Controllers\Sett…
DELETE settings/api/{id?} wave.settings.api.delete › Wave\Http\Controllers\S…
GET|HEAD settings/invoices/{invoice} wave.invoice › Wave\Http\Controllers\Sett…
POST settings/profile wave.settings.profile.put › Wave\Http\Controllers\Se…
PUT settings/security › Wave\Http\Controllers\…
GET|HEAD settings/{section?} wave.settings › Wave\Http\Controllers\SettingsCon…
GET|HEAD stores .......................... stores.index › StoreController@index
GET|HEAD stores/{store} .................... › StoreController@show
GET|HEAD stores/{store}/featured-product stores.featured-product › StoreContro…
POST subscribe wave.subscribe › Wave\Http\Controllers\SubscriptionControll…
POST switch-plans wave.switch-plans › Wave\Http\Controllers\SubscriptionCo…
POST tails/webhook .......................... Devdojo\Tails › Tails@webhook
GET|HEAD test ............... Wave\Http\Controllers\SubscriptionController@test
GET|HEAD trial_over ........................................... wave.trial_over
GET|HEAD user/verify/{verification_code} verify › Wave\Http\Controllers\Auth\R…
POST {locale}/livewire/message/{name} livewire.message-localized › Livewir…
I believe the issue is that I am already using the stores.index and in another route on the front end called '/stores'. The routes are grouped and prefixed with /stores. I noticed in the routes list voyager is attempting to use stores.index and and assume when clicking browse on the bread, its using stores.index because it takes you to the route /stores automatically.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Models\Store;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use App\Models\Category;
use TCG\Voyager\Facades\Voyager;
class StoreController extends Controller
* Display a listing of the resource.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index()
$stores = Store::all();
$stores = Store::join('category_id', 'stores.category_id', '=', '')
->select('stores.*', ' as category_name')
return view('themes.tailwind.stores.index', ['stores' => $stores]);
* Show the form for creating a new resource.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function create()
* Store a newly created resource in storage.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function store(Request $request)
* Display the specified resource.
* @param \App\Models\Store $store
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function show($programName)
$store = Store::join('category_id', 'stores.category_id', '=', '')
->select('stores.*', ' as category_name')
->where('stores.program_name', $programName)
return view('', compact('store'));
public function showFeaturedProduct($programName)
// Retrieve the store based on the program name
$store = Store::where('program_name', $programName)->firstOrFail();
// Add any logic here to retrieve data for the featured product
// You can pass any data needed for the featured product page to the view
return view('themes.tailwind.stores.featured-product', compact('store'));
* Show the form for editing the specified resource.
* @param \App\Models\Store $store
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function edit(Store $store)
* Update the specified resource in storage.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @param \App\Models\Store $store
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function update(Request $request, $id)
// Validate the request and handle any validation errors
// Find the store record to update
$store = Store::findOrFail($id);
// Handle image upload
if ($request->hasFile('image')) {
// Store the uploaded image file using the 'public' disk
$imagePath = $request->file('image')->store('images', 'public');
// Update the image attribute
$store->image = $imagePath;
// Redirect or perform any additional actions
return redirect()->route('stores.index');
* Remove the specified resource from storage.
* @param \App\Models\Store $store
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function destroy(Store $store)
Store Routes
Route::prefix('stores')->group(function () {
Route::get('/', [StoreController::class, 'index'])->name('stores.index');
Route::get('{store:program_name}', [StoreController::class, 'show'])->name('');
Route::get('{store:program_name}/featured-product', [StoreController::class, 'showFeaturedProduct'])->name('stores.featured-product');
As far as I can tell from the output, in the Voyager admin you've defined a custom controller for the Stores BREAD. That way rather than using the default Voyger BREAD Controller, it uses the StoreController.
If you want to use the default Voyger BREAD Controller in Voyager for the Stores BREAD, what you could do is:
- Login to Voyager
- Go to the BREAD at
- Click 'Edit' for the Stores bread
- Then under the 'Controller Name' remove the
definition - Save the BREAD
That way in Voyager you will be able to use the standard Voyager BREAD functionality rather than the custom StoreController.
And you can still use the StoreController for your frontend on the /stores/*
routes, the above change will only affect the /admin/store/*
Let me know if this is what you are after!
You were right. Thank you. The moment I removed the custom controller, it browsed to the proper page. I really appreciate your help. I was stumped for a while over that lol.
While I know Laravel quite well, I am still learning Voyager a bit and was not aware entering a controller name when creating bread, creates a custom controller for the bread. I thought it wanted the controller associated with the stores table. I understand it now. Thank you again.
No problem at all! Happy to hear that this is all working now! Good luck with your project!