Wave SaaS Tutorial / HELP


May 10th, 2021 11:33 AM

Trying to follow the wave tutorial I have succeeded in all steps until 5:02 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MPvBqfL1Mo&t=267s) when you need to run on my iTerm terminal the composer install. I have install composer locally and I think globally but once I press enter, post writing composer install, I get: zsh: permission denied: composer (I had move the composer file to usr/local/bin) and cannot go further. Sorry if that sounds stupid, not a developer myself just trying to build this for fun and started today. Any help appreciated. Many thanks guys


May 10th, 2021 12:48 PM

Hi there Kevin,

What is the error that you get now after you moved the composer binary to /usr/local/bin?

If you are still getting permission denied, you could make the file executable with the following:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/composer




May 10th, 2021 12:54 PM

Hi Bobby,

Many thanks for the reply. I succeeded to install it globally (removed the composer from bin to my desktop (again maybe not ideal but it worked) using the following sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer sudo -u <user> /usr/local/bin/composer <command> <option>

. Now when I run the composer install I get the following:

Problem 1 - laravel/dusk is locked to version v6.14.0 and an update of this package was not requested. - laravel/dusk v6.14.0 requires ext-zip * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's zip extension. Problem 2 - php-webdriver/webdriver is locked to version 1.10.0 and an update of this package was not requested. - php-webdriver/webdriver 1.10.0 requires ext-zip * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's zip extension.

Thus, I runt composer update which says that the requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages, with the following issues remaining:

Problem 1 - laravel/dusk[v6.0.0, ..., v6.15.0] require ext-zip * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's zip extension. - Root composer.json requires laravel/dusk ^6.0 -> satisfiable by laravel/dusk[v6.0.0, ..., v6.15.0].

Any thought?

Many thanks for the help, much appreciated


May 11th, 2021 05:58 AM

Hi there,

It looks like that the PHP Zip module is missing. You can verify that with the following command:

php -m 

You would need to install the Zip PHP module on your Mac and then it will work as expected.

Let me know how it goes. Regards, Bobby


May 11th, 2021 06:29 AM

Hey Bobby

Indeed I understood this yesterday night and took this as an opportunity to update my php version to 7.4 which now includes the zip module.

I have then be able to run all the following steps (from the video I mentioned) until php artisan db:seed, which worked as well. The final step was to run on google my API (eg. https://fancybar.test) which should load the SaaS landing page etc. but it did not. Instead I got the following the site can't be reached check if there is a typo in fancybar.test. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN Do you know why? I guess it is an easy fix but thought about it for 4 hours yesterday night and still did not manage to make it happen.

Thanks for the help


May 11th, 2021 07:04 AM

Hi there,

In order to be able to access your_project.test in your browser, you could install Laravel Valet which would do all of the configuration for you:


Alternatively you could use Laravel Sail instead.

Let me know how it goes! Regards, Bobby


May 11th, 2021 10:58 AM

Hi Bobby

Thanks that helps, I had install the v8 of Laravel and now have installed Laravel Valet successfully after indicating to valet to use [email protected] Now, when I reload my project named fancybar.test in my browser the error message is not the same anymore but I get 404 - Not Found as well as fancybar.test refused to connect and still nothing happening

Also when I am re-trying the step, there is nothing to migrate etc which is normal as already did. However when I run the php artisan db:seed I now get the following

In Connection.php line 678: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or upda te a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (fancybar.users, CONSTRAINT users_role_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES roles (i d)) (SQL: delete from roles) In Exception.php line 18: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or upda te a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (fancybar.users, CONSTRAINT users_role_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES roles (i d)) In PDOStatement.php line 112: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or upda te a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (fancybar.users, CONSTRAINT users_role_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES roles (i d))


May 11th, 2021 11:39 AM

Hi there,

The error that you get after seeding the DB is most likely caused by the data already being in there. You need to seed the database only once.

Regarding the 404 error, I think that with Laravel Valet you need to add all of your projects to a folder called Sites inside your user's home folder eg: ~/Sites.

Regards, Bobby


May 11th, 2021 01:05 PM

Hi Bobby,

After many trials and errors I have finally been able to connect to my API :)))) A day ago I had no clue what was front and back end dev, neither what a terminal, iTerm DBngin, TablePlus etc. were. I learned everything on my own, was quite challenging to be honest but quite rewarding at the same time. will go further in the youtube training and will let you know how it goes. I might have additional questions along the way and hope it helps other folks that are in my situation.

Thanks again for the help, very much appreciated.

Speak soon

regards Kevin


May 11th, 2021 11:53 PM

Hi Kevin,

This is awesome! Well done! The best way to learn new things is to get your hands dirty and play around!

Feel free to post new questions here on DevDojo in case that you get stuck.




May 12th, 2021 04:05 AM

Hey I have created my logo, using tailwind not tallstack though. I copy paste my svg in resources > themes > partial . header.blade on line 10. Once I have done that and that I reload my page on chrome nothing happen and I still have the wave logo instead of mine. Any idea why?

Same thing when I am customising the sections and that I include new sections using the tailwind page builder in home.blade.php, it seems it is not linked (none of the sections appears) whereas my page fancybar.test is loading on google.



May 12th, 2021 06:32 AM

Hi there Kevin,

It sounds like that you might have 2 copies of the Wave files in 2 different folders.

Are you sure that you are editing the files in the Sites folder?




May 12th, 2021 06:46 AM

You are so strong, that was the case I was not editing within the Sites so changed it an hour ago, which worked and now you just confirmed it ahah :)

  1. It is now loading properly for the logo however when using tailwind css to replace the existing one in hone.blade.php I got the content but it is not coming straight in the right place (I mean everything is there but not perfectly fiting the page, some of the button are not there but the text is etc.) Do you know why?

  2. From what I understand it might be linked to Node.js and npm. What I have done is to install Node.js so that I have it now as well as npm. Only issue is that I guess I need to run npm run dev and then npm run watch before copy pasting the tailwind css in hone.blade.php. Am I right? Also, when I am running first npm run dev I get error npm ERR! Missing script: "dev" ; same for npm run watch. Which I do not get as the package.json do have the scripts dev and watch.. In the Episode 1 of the series I think what is linked to the above is what I should get as per the 23:41 of the video on youtube

  3. I have followed the step to install the bar on top of the page as per the EPISODE 2, creating a new folder and file in VSC, and adding the code from codepen, again the text appears but not the gradient bar which is linked to tailwindcss, it is as if tailwind was not activated. Do you know how to make it happens?

Thanks Bobby Regards Kevin


May 13th, 2021 12:03 AM

Hey Kevin,

Indeed sounds like that you need to run the npm command to get all of the TailwindCSS classes.

Are you running the commands inside the TailwindCSS theme folder?




May 13th, 2021 05:41 AM

Hey Bobby

That is what I did, yes, running inside the TailwindCSS theme folder the path I indicate on my terminal is the following: Sites/fancybar/resources/views/themes/tailwind And then what are the steps? should I run in my terminal once I am into tailwind 1) npm run dev and then npm run watch? Or should I run something else to make Tailwind works and then appear when copy pasting the tainlwindcss prebuild heroes etc. and the bar on top of the site

Many thanks, will keep u updated!

  1. See below what I get when running npm run dev in the folder I mentioned above Screenshot 2021-05-13 at 16.00.37.png

  2. And when running npm run watch Screenshot 2021-05-13 at 16.01.07.png

  3. Also, not sure it is linked but It seems I get errors around here which is linked to tailwind being included to the CSS I guess: Screenshot 2021-05-13 at 15.58.56.png

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