Wave Installation failed!


Nov 6th, 2024 07:13 AM

Hello awesome people!

I am trying to setup Wave in my local Windows 11 PC, either with Laravel Herd or Laragon including MySQL, and both failed. Looking in the documentation https://devdojo.com/wave/docs/install the first step is to unzip the files into my www/folder and after that cp .env.example .env.

Next is to run composer install from my terminal, and here comes the problem:

Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform. Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages. Please run composer update.

Problem 1 - calebporzio/sushi is locked to version v2.5.2 and an update of this package was not requested. - calebporzio/sushi v2.5.2 requires ext-pdo_sqlite * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's pdo_sqlite extension. Problem 2 - lcobucci/jwt is locked to version 4.3.0 and an update of this package was not requested. - lcobucci/jwt 4.3.0 requires ext-sodium * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's sodium extension. Problem 3 - calebporzio/sushi v2.5.2 requires ext-pdo_sqlite * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's pdo_sqlite extension. - devdojo/auth 1.0.7 requires calebporzio/sushi ^2.5 -> satisfiable by calebporzio/sushi[v2.5.2]. - devdojo/auth is locked to version 1.0.7 and an update of this package was not requested.

To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files: - C:\laragon\bin\php\php-8.3.2-Win32-vs16-x64\php.ini You can also run php --ini in a terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode. Alternatively, you can run Composer with --ignore-platform-req=ext-pdo_sqlite --ignore-platform-req=ext-sodium to temporarily ignore these required extensions.

To mention that I have tried also to run composer update with no luck.

Please help me to proceed with the installation of Wave!

Thank you in advance,

Best regards, Pantelis


Nov 6th, 2024 07:23 AM


Hope that you are doing great!

Based on the error that you've shared it looks like that you already have Laragon installed. You don't really need both Laragon and Herd.

Running Wave locally is the same as running any other Laravel application. If you prefer using Laragon that will work just fine with Wave.

In your specific case, the problem is that the Laragon PHP installation does not have the SQLite PHP extension enabled, to fix that go to Laragon menu > PHP > Extensions > tick pdo_sqlite.

Let me know how it goes once you enable the SQLite PDO extension!

- Bobby


Nov 6th, 2024 07:57 AM

Bobby Hi, Thank you for your quick support on this!

I have done what you said, enabled the pdo_sqlite, sqlite3 and sodium extensions on my Laragon/PHP installation. Removed all files and unzip again from the start.

That fixed my installation problems!

Thanks again.

Best regards, Pantelis


Nov 6th, 2024 08:03 AM

Sorry to bother you again!

Right now we are facing another problem with migrations.

$ php artisan migrate

WARN The database 'reviqus' does not exist on the 'mysql' connection.

Would you like to create it? (yes/no) [yes] ❯ yes

INFO Preparing database.

Creating migration table ............................................................ 26.55ms DONE

INFO Running migrations.

2024_03_29_225419_create_users_table ................................................ 61.27ms DONE
2024_03_29_225420_create_permission_roles_tables ................................... 700.32ms DONE
2024_03_29_225435_create_categories_table .......................................... 149.87ms DONE
2024_03_29_225523_create_themes_table ............................................... 61.48ms DONE
2024_03_29_225656_create_changelogs_table ........................................... 36.66ms DONE
2024_03_29_225657_create_changelog_user_table ...................................... 271.79ms DONE
2024_03_29_225729_create_api_keys_table ............................................ 146.68ms DONE
2024_03_29_225928_create_notifications_table ........................................ 61.44ms DONE
2024_03_29_230138_create_subscriptions_table ....................................... 107.83ms FAIL


SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1824 Failed to open the referenced table 'plans' (Connection: mysql, SQL: alter table subscriptions add constraint subscriptions_plan_id_foreign foreign key (plan_id ) references plans (id) on delete cascade)

at vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection.php:825 821▕ $this->getName(), $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e 822▕ ); 823▕ } 824▕ ➜ 825▕ throw new QueryException( 826▕ $this->getName(), $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e 827▕ ); 828▕ } 829▕ }

1 vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection.php:571 PDOException::("SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1824 Failed to open the referenced table 'plans' ")

2 vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection.php:571 PDOStatement::execute()

Best regards, Pantelis


Nov 6th, 2024 08:33 AM

Try Cline or Cursor to help you install. You can breeze through the issues in a few minutes.


Nov 6th, 2024 08:42 AM

Best Answer

Hey! 👋

Happy to hear that you've got the SQLite fix working!

The new error that you are getting is fixed in:


What you can do is to download the Wave files directly from GitHub:


They include the latest fix for that error.

Let me know how it goes!


Nov 6th, 2024 11:00 AM

Dear Bobby, I really appreciate your prompt and valuable help!

Installation completed succesfully.

Thank you very much!


Nov 6th, 2024 11:32 AM


No worries at all! Happy to hear that this is all working now 👏