Voyager Route keep coming back to homepage after login in Shared Hosting Installation


Oct 6th, 2020 01:24 AM

Hi Guys, I need help in this strange behavior...

I somehow need to install laravel and voyager in my shared hosting site. My Shared hosting site can handle some CLI. But I tried "composer require tcg/voyager" and it fails. So I install laravel and voyager locally and push to git then I followed this configuration except the autoload one, which I change it to vendor folder

then I do "composer install", generate key, and do artisan migrate

Then the website just live.. I go to /admin and it direct me to the login page. If I try wrong credentials, it denies me. But if I enter the right one, it just direct me to home page (/). If I manually go to /admin again, it just direct me again to the homepage. I tried to go to /admin/logout and it give error because it only accept POST. So maybe the router is kinda working, I suspect there is some changes needed in .htaccess in public folder (which I use the default one).

What did I do wrong? Please help me here... Any help or suggestion would be appreciated..


Oct 7th, 2020 05:00 AM

Best Answer

Hi there,

Have you tried reinstalling Voyager and including the dummy data?

php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy

Let me know how it goes!


Oct 8th, 2020 10:00 PM

Hi, thank you very much for your answer, It works perfect!


Oct 9th, 2020 07:26 AM


No problem at all, happy to hear that it works as expected now!