Route [voyager.theme.index] not defined.


Jan 26th, 2019 08:25 AM

I installed a fresh version of wave, which was all working fine.


  • Laravel > 5.7*
  • tymon/jwt-auth > 1.0.0-rc.3

When visiting voyager admin I get the following error:

laravel.ERROR: Route [voyager.theme.index] not defined. (View: /users/derekbuntin/websites/wave/vendor/tcg/voyager/resources/views/dashboard/sidebar.blade.php)

If I edit vendor/voyager-themes/src/VoyagerThemesServiceProvider.php and comment out line 35:


Admin displays correctly without the routes to the themes section.

The same thing happens when you activate Voyager Redirects

Route [voyager.redirects] not defined.


This issue arose after updaing Voyager 1.1 to 1.1.10, I can confirm the hooks worked perfectly before the update but do not work with the latest version of Voyager. I have submitted a Github issue for this and await a reply.


Feb 5th, 2019 07:03 AM

Best Answer

I solved this issue myself so here is what's needed:


Change the 'register' method from this:

public function register()
        if (request()->is(config('voyager.prefix')) || request()->is(config('voyager.prefix').'/*')) {

            app(Dispatcher::class)->listen('', function ($menu) {

            app(Dispatcher::class)->listen('voyager.admin.routing', function ($router) {

        // publish config
        $this->publishes([dirname(__DIR__).'/config/themes.php' => config_path('themes.php')], 'voyager-themes-config');

        // load helpers
        @include __DIR__.'/helpers.php';

To this:

public function register()
        //if (request()->is(config('voyager.prefix')) || request()->is(config('voyager.prefix').'/*')) {

            app(Dispatcher::class)->listen('', function ($menu) {
            app(Dispatcher::class)->listen('voyager.admin.routing', function ($router) {
       // }

        // publish config
        $this->publishes([dirname(__DIR__).'/config/themes.php' => config_path('themes.php')], 'voyager-themes-config');

        // load helpers
        @include __DIR__.'/helpers.php';

Within the addThemesRouter method change line 104 to:

$router->get('themes/options', $namespacePrefix.'ThemesController@index');
        /*$router->get('themes/options', function () {
            return redirect(route('voyager.theme.index'));

Everything now works as expected, it would be interesting to know when the voyager-themes hook will be updated?