Roles not saving when creating new user


Jul 25th, 2019 12:13 PM

This may be a Voyager issue but I'm using Wave. I'm about to start a major SaaS project and I'm trying to get the all the basics ready before setting off.

When creating a new user (from user registration or users management), the roles aren't being saved to the user_role table and the role name is not displaying in the users list.

'No results' is showing for Role and Roles columns, the role_id from users table is displaying under 'role_id' column.

If I add the ID's myself in the database to user_roles table then the role name is displayed, but if I try to save via wave\voyager, the role is 'wiped'.

Anyone have a fix for this before I build my application and find I can't fix this?

Bit of a no-go if I can't get users to have roles when they sign up.


Jul 25th, 2019 09:31 PM

Sorry to add to this, but I'd just discovered that when editing a user with an active subscription, Stripe customer information gets wiped from the users table. I think this could be the same issue as above.


Jul 29th, 2019 04:08 AM

Hi whats the version of Voyager and Laravel i know there was some issues with this some time ago? Also are you using the voyager and laravel version wave is shiped with?


Aug 3rd, 2019 06:02 PM

I'm running Voyager 1.2 and Laravel 5.8. I've think I've fixed it by changing the BREAD relationship in Users to 'Belongs To' Role, this seems to save but doesn't show the correct role when editing. Jay