How can i change size logo?


Sep 5th, 2021 09:15 AM

How can i change size on logo in this code

getQueryString() ? ('?' . request()->getQueryString()) : ''); // Check if the Multi-Countries selection is enabled $multiCountriesIsEnabled = false; $multiCountriesLabel = ''; // Logo Label $logoLabel = ''; if (request()->segment(1) != 'countries') { if (isset($multiCountriesIsEnabled) && $multiCountriesIsEnabled) { $logoLabel = config('') . ((!empty(config(''))) ? ' ' . config('') : ''); } } ?>

Sep 6th, 2021 11:07 PM


The proper way to do it is to add this to your main-logo class in your CSS files.

Alternatively if you want to do this in your HTML directly you could use inline CSS by adding the following to your image tag:

style="height: 20%; width: 20%;"

Of course, change the percentage value based on your needs.

