
Tailwindcss posts, videos, courses, and more

Supernova3339 · 9 months ago

Enchancing Your CSS Workflow With DivMagic

TailwindCSS has revolutionized the way developers approach CSS frameworks, offering a utility-first approach that promotes rapid development and flexibility. However, converting web elements...

Cody Jenson · 1 year ago

TailwindCSS Ignore Typography

TailwindCSS has an excellent typography plugin that allows you to stylize a set of elements by applying a simple class .prose to the parent container. The Typography plugin can make a boring...

TechvBlogs · 1 year ago

How to Install Tailwind CSS 3 in Laravel 9 With Vite 3

Tailwind is a modern CSS framework. It is a utility-first-based framework and provides you with a unique set of utility classes which makes the development process very easy and results in m...

Kim Hallberg · 1 year ago

Getting Started with TALL stack

TALL stack is a full-stack development solution used for building powerful, modern, and reactive Laravel applications. This stack can be used to build a multitude of applications, in fact, y...

TechvBlogs · 1 year ago

How to setup Tailwind CSS in Vue 3

Tailwind CSS is one of the newest and coolest utility libraries on the block, and it lets you build UI components with ease. Here’s a quick guide on how to set up Tailwind in your Vue 3 proj...

Karthikeyan · 1 year ago

How to build a Hacker news clone using Remix, Tailwind css ?

Hello everyone, In this tutorial we will be seeing how to build a simple Hacker news clone using Remix and Tailwind css. Remix is a full stack react framework which renders the data on the s...

Dhairya Shah · 2 years ago

How to make a custom text selection color?

Introduction So are you sick of the default text selection color? I am, so today we're going to override the default color with one that's a lot more attractive. It will be readily apparent...

Mithicher Baro · 2 years ago

Build a Markdown Editor Component with AlpineJS & Laravel Blade Component

In this post we'll be looking at some simple ways to create a reusable markdown editor without having to use a large or complicated javascript library. The blade component uses Tailwind CSS...

Karthikeyan · 2 years ago

How to add dark mode to a Next.js Project using tailwind ?

In this blog , we will be seeing how to add dark mode to your Next.js project using Tailwind. let’s get started Stack Next.js Tailwind css next-themes Typescript First things first , Let’s...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

How to use Tailwind CSS with a React App

What is Tailwind CSS? Tailwind is a modern CSS framework. It is a utility-first-based framework and provides you with a unique set of utility classes which makes the development process very...

Anish De · 2 years ago

Making an accessible Breadcrumb Navigation using TailwindCSS and NextJS

Breadcrumb Navigations are starting to appear in many applications nowadays, mostly in dashboards. Today we are going to look at building a Breadcrumb navigation that is accessible and style...

Anish De · 2 years ago

TwNFT - Mint your tweets as NFTs easily and for free

🤔 What is TwNFT? TwNFT is a simple web application that allows you to mint your tweets as NFTs for free. It is my submission for the Thirdweb x Hashnode Hackathon. Live Demo / GitHub Repos...

Shreya · 2 years ago

How to setup Tailwind in your project

Tailwind is a utility-first framework consisting of various classes to help you build clear and responsive designs fast inside HTML markup file. In this post, you will learn how to set up ta...

Damian Demasi · 2 years ago

Hackathon: Building a MongoDB fuzzy search web app with React, Next.js and TailwindCSS

Web Development Glossary Search is a web application that I created with the objective of taking part in the MongoDB Atlas Hackathon hosted by the DEV.to community. The app makes use of seve...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 2 years ago

NextJS+Typescript and Tailwind: A match made in heaven

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that is being used to create markup-based designs. Next.js is a React framework with features like hybrid static and server rendering, TypeScrip...

Avneesh Agarwal · 2 years ago

Create an animated sidebar with TailwindCSS in React💫

Hey everyone, in many apps you need a sidebar/drawer which slides in if you click on a hamburger icon. In this tutorial, we are going to see how to build that 🌟. Demo {% loom b748e5d32ebd45...

Avneesh Agarwal · 2 years ago

TailwindCSS v3 released! A look at the new features 🎨

Intro Tailwind CSS v3.0 just got released and they have added a lot of cool features, so let's have a look at them. JIT is now inbuilt The JIT mod is now inbuilt in TailwindCSS so it is way...

Mithicher Baro · 2 years ago

Horizontal Bar Chart Laravel Blade Component with AlpineJS

In this post we'll be looking at some simple ways to visualise data without having to use a large or complicated chart library. The blade component uses TailwindCSS for styling data and Alpi...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Creating Modals in Laravel Livewire

In this tutorial I will show you how to create simple modals in Laravel Livewire. We are going to make use of an awesome package called LivewireUI Modal. This package allows you to create so...

Tapas Adhikary · 2 years ago

Introducing WebAPIs Playground - An app to play and learn Web APIs

An API(Application Programming Interface) abstracts many complexities from developers. Without APIs, a developer's life will be miserable with no proper access to data and knowing unnecessar...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

TailwindCSS Scroll Snap Utilities

When TailwindCSS v3 is released, we will have some awesome new utility classes to include in our pages. One of which is the the scroll-snap utilities. This will allow you to easily add simpl...

Mithicher Baro · 2 years ago

Building a Laravel Blade Table Component With Alpine.js

If you’re building an admin panel, chances are that you will need to display the data in some tabular format. Writing every time table, tr, td is a little bit cumbersome, when we need our wo...

Mithicher Baro · 2 years ago

Create a MeiliSearch Laravel Blade Component

What is MeiliSearch? As stated in their official website - MeiliSearch is an open source, blazingly fast and hyper relevant search-engine that will improve your search experience. Laravel al...

Marc Garcia · 2 years ago

Laravel Tailwind Boilerplate and Vue ready

Happy Friday!! This week I was working with a simple GitHub repo to save me time when I start new Laravel projects. The repo it's called Laravel Tailwind Boilerplate & Vue ready It consi...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

TailwindCSS 2.2 in 22 seconds

Want to learn what's new in TailwindCSS 2.2 in 22 seconds? Maybe that's a little too ambitious 🤪. It might be more like 122 seconds. Either way, in this tutorial, you will learn the new thi...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Extracting TailwindCSS from HTML

I've recently run into a scenario where I want to design a one-off page using TailwindCSS with the CDN link; however, including the CDN link would mean that my page load is a heavy 3MB 🙁. I...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

TailwindCSS Hidden Gems 💎

If you are new to TailwindCSS, you're probably familiarizing yourself with some of the utility classes and starting to build some awesome stuff. 😉 As you learn about this awesome framework,...

Riccardo Battiato · 3 years ago

Tailwind CSS - all you need to know to get started

Tailwind CSS is a relatively new CSS framework that can be easily seen as the next big revolution of the way we style our HTML elements. Tailwind encourages and facilitates a utility-first a...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Tracing Objects in TailwindCSS

I've been getting good at designing and painting elements on the page using TailwindCSS. I decided to use a flat laptop image 🖼️ and design it with TailwindCSS. It was actually pretty simple...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Custom Animations in TailwindCSS

Tailwind provides some simple animations out of the box. If you're not familiar with these animations, be sure to check out my post on TailwindCSS Animations here. These simple animations ar...

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