
Shell posts, videos, courses, and more

Bobby Iliev · 2 years ago

How to produce records to a topic in Redpanda from a shell script?

Introduction Redpanda is a Kafka-compatible event stream platform written in C++. It comes with a simple command-line interface called rpk that lets you interact with the platform. In this t...

ranelpadon · 2 years ago

How (and Why) You Should Split Your .bashrc or .zshrc Files

Scalable Bash/Zsh startup scripts with just a few lines Objective To split our .bashrc/.zshrc into multiple files, put them in zshrc older, and load them one by one: for FILE in ~/zshrc/*;...

Karthikeyan · 2 years ago

How to execute shell commands in Node js ?

This is a quick tutorial on how to execute shell / windows commands within a nodejs application. This can come in handy when you are building a CLI which is trying to install dependencies o...

Bobby Iliev · 2 years ago

17 Special Characters in the Shell That You Should Know

Introduction In Unix systems, the shell is a command-line interpreter. It provides a command-line user interface (CLI). The shell is a scripting language that you could use to write scripts...

Bobby Iliev · 3 years ago

How to proxy your web traffic via your Linux Server without a VPN?

In this video I will show you a pretty cool and easy way on how to proxy your web traffic without having to install a VPN or do any special server configuration by just using SSH tunneling!A...

Bobby Iliev · 3 years ago

How to create custom bash commands?

Introduction As a developer or system administrator, you might have to spend a lot of time in your terminal. I always try to look for ways to optimize any repetitive tasks. One way to do tha...

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