
React posts, videos, courses, and more

Olgaa · 8 months ago

What is Virtual DOM in React Native?

In the world of front-end development, React Native has taken the spotlight as one of the most prominent frameworks for building mobile applications. It's known for its efficiency, performan...

Ashutosh Mishra · 8 months ago

React useState() Made Easy for Beginners

The React way of dynamically updating a website’s content is different from Vanilla JavaScript. In JavaScript, we do it by directly manipulating DOM whereas, in React, we have a feature call...

Ashutosh Mishra · 8 months ago

13 Best React Libraries for Devs in 2023

Being a modern React developer is not only about understanding the core concepts of React but also about getting well versed with the whole ecosystem of React. This includes having the knowl...

Olgaa · 8 months ago

The Web's Building Blocks: Shadow DOM vs. Virtual DOM

In the dynamic realm of web development, innovation is a constant companion. Two such innovations that have redefined the way web applications are created and rendered are the Shadow DOM and...

Olgaa · 8 months ago

React Redux: A Beginner's Guide to State Management

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, managing the state of an application is a crucial aspect of creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces. React Redux, a state manageme...

Olgaa · 9 months ago

Parent and Child Components in React: Building Reusable and Maintainable User Interfaces

React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, follows a component-based architecture. In this architecture, components are the building blocks that make up the user inter...

Olgaa · 9 months ago

React Middleware: Implementing Middleware in React Applications

Middleware is a powerful concept commonly used in server-side applications to handle various tasks like authentication, logging, and error handling. However, middleware can also be effective...

Karthikeyan · 11 months ago

Integrating ESRI Maps into your React App

ESRI maps are widely used in web application development because they provide a comprehensive set of tools for creating and working with maps. React is a popular JavaScript library for build...

Rahul · 1 year ago

React UseEffect Hook: A Definitive Guide for Beginners

The useEffect hook is one of the most important hooks of React. It allows you to perform effects in a declarative way, instead of using imperative code inside React components. It offers a s...

Kaushal Joshi · 1 year ago

Is Create React App Really Dead? What Are Other Options?

If you are active on tech Twitter, follow web-dev YouTubers, or read blogs, you know what I am talking about. For the past few months, there has been a lot of discussions about how create-re...

Rahul · 1 year ago

How to create components in React (create custom components) | React Recipes

Previously I discussed creating your first react app, in this post, we'll learn more about, props, states, creating your first react component, and many things. {% bmc rahuldotbiz %} So, Wha...

Rahul · 1 year ago

How to create react elements with JSX | React Recipes

JSX is a powerful tool for building user interfaces that is easy to read and understand, and can improve the performance and maintainability of your code. In this blog post we will learn abo...

Rahul · 1 year ago

Learn react in 2023 (what is create-react-app) | React Recipes

Welcome to this article on React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces! React is a popular and widely-used tool for developing web applications and has gained a lot of traction...

Imamuzzaki Abu Salam · 1 year ago

Hello React, Goodbye useEffect (I Hope)

In this article, I will show you how to use React to replace useEffect in most cases. I've been watching "Goodbye, useEffect" by David Khoursid, and it's 🤯 blows my mind in a 😀 g...

Yogesh Chavan · 1 year ago

How to Test a WebSocket based Application Using the API Tester Mobile App

In this article, we'll see how we can use API Tester application to test WebSocket based APIs easily and why it's my goto application for mobile app testing. So let's get started. What is AP...

Imamuzzaki Abu Salam · 1 year ago

Debounce in Next.js

React v16.8 introduced a new hook called useEffect, which allows you to run side effects in your functional components. useEffect is a great way to handle expensive operations like API calls...

Yogesh Chavan · 1 year ago

How to Deploy Your Node.js Application for Free with Render

For years, Heroku has been an excellent platform to host your Full Stack applications. But that may change, as Heroku is bringing its generous free tier to an end. You may have received emai...

Rahul · 1 year ago

React in Operation Theatre - React Shorts

React is a famous JavaScript library utilized for web improvement. React.js or ReactJS or React are various ways of addressing ReactJS. The present some enormous scope organizations (Netflix...

TechvBlogs · 1 year ago

How To Install React in Laravel 9 with Vite

Laravel has just released “laravel 9.19” with a major change. There is no more webpack.mix.js file in the laravel root in the place of the webpack.mix.js file vite.config.js file is introduc...

Vladimír Macháček · 1 year ago

Style your React.js website faster with Stylify CSS

Stylify + React.js + Vite.js. Style your React.js website faster with Stylify. Don't study selectors and syntax. Use pure CSS syntax and get generated CSS with advanced optimization for prod...

TechvBlogs · 1 year ago

Build a Basic CRUD App with Laravel 9 and React.js

What is React.js? React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components. It is maintained by Meta and a community of individual de...

Vladimír Macháček · 1 year ago

Style your Next.js website faster with Stylify CSS

Style your Next.js website faster, more efficiently and intuitively with Stylify. Don't study selectors and syntax. Use pure CSS syntax and get automatically generated CSS with advanced opti...

Kaushal Joshi · 1 year ago

How to Add Script Tags in React

Using third party libraries is very common while developing apps for the web. The usual way is to install the NPM package of the library and import it for your use. But sometimes, the NPM pa...

TechvBlogs · 1 year ago

How to Loop in React JSX

React allows you to easily write JavaScript code inside your components. This makes it easy for any developer to comfortably handle common programming techniques in React, such as looping th...

Sachin Chaurasiya · 1 year ago

TypeScript Utility Types: The 6 Most Useful

I have been working with typescript for almost a year now, and I have learned and implemented a lot in this time. Among the things, I enjoy most about typescript are the utility types that a...

Avneesh Agarwal · 1 year ago

How not to write clean code in React? 🧹

Introduction Wassup everyone, long time no see. Today we will see a few ways to not clean code in React, let's jump right into it! 10 ways to not write clean code Not use a linter Who needs...

dastasoft · 1 year ago

How to get cool animations in your React projects

In this guide we will apply Framer Motion animations to a basic example project to enrich the user experience with animations. The project is made with Next and TypeScript, but you can apply...

Tapas Adhikary · 1 year ago

Introducing ReactPlay - Learn, Create, Share ReactJS projects

If I tell you React(aka ReactJS) is one of the leading user interface technology(ok, library) in web development, would you believe it? Most of you will. For the rest of you, let me put forw...

Anish De · 1 year ago

Make a beautiful Connect Wallet Button with RainbowKit and React

Authentication in Web3 is extremely easy but supporting all the wallets and making a nice UI can be painful and time-consuming. Thankfully, there are many libraries which makes this extremel...

Dhairya Shah · 1 year ago

How to make responsive font size in CSS?

We usually talk about the Responsive design and images on the web. Have you are thought of making fonts, the core part of the website responsive? Don't worry if you haven't, in this article...

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