
Php posts, videos, courses, and more

TechvBlogs · 8 months ago

How to Install PHP 8.3 on Ubuntu 22.04

PHP is a popular server scripting language known for creating dynamic and interactive web pages. Getting up and running with your language of choice is the first step in learning to program....

Supernova3339 · 8 months ago

Simplifying Your Video Playback With Laravel

As Laravel developers, we're always on the lookout for ways to enhance the user experience in our applications. Implementing smooth and user-friendly video playback can be a game-changer. In...

Supernova3339 · 1 year ago

Simplifying Laravel Upgrade Tasks: A Guide to Automating Your Development Workflow

As Laravel developers, we know that upgrading our applications can be a pain. There are always a bunch of tasks like building assets, running database migrations, and clearing your applicati...

Bobby Iliev · 1 year ago

How to use DigitalOcean Spaces with Laravel Voyager?

Introduction DigitalOcean Spaces is an object storage service that allows you to store and serve large amounts of data. It is a reliable and flexible solution for developers, especially when...

Valerio · 1 year ago

AWS SQS in a large scale application

In today's article, I'm going to show you how we use AWS SQS in our Laravel application, and how it helps us to manage 1.6 billion operations each month. In the image below you can see our t...

Baransel · 1 year ago

A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Started with PHP: Tips, Tricks, and Code Examples

Basic Syntax Before we dive into the tips and tricks, let's go over the basic syntax of PHP. Here's a simple example that outputs "Hello, World!" to the screen: <?php echo &quo...

Bobby Iliev · 1 year ago

How to increase the size of the file upload in Laravel Voyager Media Manager?

Introduction Laravel Voyager is a great open-source admin panel for Laravel. It is also the admin panel currently used in Laravel Wave which is a Laravel SaaS starter kit. In this article, y...

Bobby Iliev · 1 year ago

How to setup Laravel Wave on Windows using Laragon?

Introduction Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) archite...

TechvBlogs · 1 year ago

How to Get only records created today in Laravel

Hey Folks, If you are working on large-scale Applications or any SAAS application and as of project requirement. You need to show some analytics in your project like Today, Yesterday, Last M...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

How to Install Multiple PHP Versions on Ubuntu 22.04

PHP is a programming language used for developing web applications. You must install PHP packages on a Ubuntu system to run the application written on it. Generally, it is used to create e-...

Richard Dobroň · 2 years ago

Localizing PHP application with FBT instead of standard i18n

Since about 2010, I have been looking for a translation framework for PHP that can generate very complex phrases and at the same time combine options such as singular/plural and work with ge...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

Laravel 9 CRUD Example Tutorial for Beginners

Throughout this Laravel 9 CRUD operation with an example for beginners tutorial, you will learn step-by-step guide on how to build a simple crud operation app in laravel 9 and how to validat...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

Laravel Pint - A PHP Code Style Fixer for Minimalists

The long-awaited hype train is finally over, Laravel latest open-source CLI app has been released to the world, and we got our hands on it to tell you all about it. Introducing Laravel Pin...

Vladimír Macháček · 2 years ago

Write optimized CSS in Symfony with Stylify

Stay in Twig and PHP files, write HTML and get optimized CSS. From anoying switching between files to flawless coding. Learn how to improve the coding experience in your Symfony Web Applicat...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

Laravel 9 Eloquent WHERE Like Query Example Tutorial

When you put the search form in your application, you need to use like query to get matched pattern. The LIKE a query is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column....

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

How To Install PHP 8.1 on Ubuntu 22.04

PHP is a popular server scripting language known for creating dynamic and interactive web pages. Getting up and running with your language of choice is the first step in learning to program....

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

How To Optimize Laravel for Performance

Laravel is a popular open-source PHP framework that’s known for its robust security and simple yet sophisticated coding architecture. It’s a great choice for building cutting-edge web applic...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

How to make a POST request with cURL

What is cURL? Curl is a command-line utility that allows users to create network requests. Curl is accessible on Windows, Linux, and Mac, making it the go-to choice for developers across all...

Bobby Iliev · 2 years ago

How to use Materialize with DigitalOcean Serverless Functions

Introduction Materialize is a streaming database for real-time analytics. It was launched in 2019 to address the growing need for the ability to build real-time applications easily and effic...

Bobby Iliev · 2 years ago

Scaling Laravel with Serverless Redis

Introduction Laravel is a popular PHP framework for building scalable, high-performance web applications. In this article, we will learn how to use serverless Redis to scale Laravel applicat...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

Custom helper functions in Laravel

Laravel provides us with many built-in helper functions that you can call anywhere within your application. They make your workflow convenient for working with arrays & objects, paths, s...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Create a SPA with PHP

Today, we will create an SPA with PHP. Our output will look like this. (The GIF, a bit slow 😑) Getting started Our directory structure will be like this. 📦spa ┣ 📜about.php // A page ┣...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

PHP Curl Get Request with Parameters Example

What is cURL in PHP? The Client for URLs is shortly called cURL, which was originally pronounced with a URL in uppercase to emphasize that it deals with URLs. It's pronounced as: see URL. cU...

Valerio · 2 years ago

Laravel cron scheduling and its secrets

Hi, I'm Valerio Barbera, software engineer, founder and CTO at Inspector. One of the most useful features of Laravel is the cron scheduling system.The official documentation clearly explains...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

How to Get Previous and Next Record in Laravel

A really common task is to display links for the previous and next record typically you find these on blogs, when viewing the post a previous title and link are displayed and the same for th...

Valerio · 2 years ago

Laravel validation and custom rules in Inspector

Hi, I'm Valerio Barbera, software engineer, founder and CTO at Inspector. Data validation is one of the fundamental features in any application and it is something developers manipulate almo...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Laravel Origins Documentary

Tomorrow at (18:00CET), it's time to break out some popcorn 🍿 and get ready for an awesome story about Laravel. Showtime-zone listed below: 18:00 CET 12:00PM EST 09:00AM PST Checkou...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

How To Install WordPress with LAMP on Ubuntu 20.04

For those who cannot afford the hustles of developing websites from scratch, there are now several content management systems (CMSs) such as WordPress that you can take advantage of to set u...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

Laravel 8 Send Mail using Queue Tutorial

What is Queue in Laravel? Laravel 8 Queues allow you to delay a time-consuming task until a later time. By delaying the time-consuming task, you can improve the performance of the Laravel ap...

Bobby Iliev · 2 years ago

How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on Ubuntu

In this video you will learn how to Install Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on Ubuntu server.If you are new to DigitalOcean, you could use my referral code and you would get a free $100 cred...

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