
Packages posts, videos, courses, and more

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Laravel Options Package

The Laravel Options package gives you the ability to add a simple key-value store in your laravel application. You can include this package with the following command:

Dev Dojo · 7 years ago

How does versioning work?

When you start working on a project that is going to have multiple versions such as version 1.0, version 1.1, etc... you'll probably need to know how versions work. In this quick read, we'll...

Tony Lea · 8 years ago

PHP DateTime with Carbon

Using DateTime in PHP can sometimes be a hassle. Luckily enough there is an awesome PHP library that we can use called Carbon. Carbon allows us to easily manipulate dates using PHP.Now...

Tony Lea · 8 years ago

Laravel Link Checker

If you've ever needed to check for broken links in your laravel application you can easily do this with the Laravel Link Checker package. In this video we'll show you how to install the pack...

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