
Composer posts, videos, courses, and more

Kim Hallberg · 2 years ago

You don’t necessarily need Composer

Don't get me wrong, Composer is an amazing product. It has an easy-to-use API for quick autoloading, supports multiple standards, and has autoloading optimization built-in - it even lets you...

Bobby Iliev · 3 years ago

Use Composer like a Pro - the Dependency Manager for PHP

Introduction Composer is without the go to dependency manager for PHP. Composer is a command line tool that you can use to install packages to your projects and also update and manage existi...

Bobby Iliev · 3 years ago

How to remove a package from Laravel using composer?

Introduction Every PHP developer should be familiar with how to use frameworks. Frameworks help make the process of development easier by simplifying common practices used in developing majo...

Tony Lea · 5 years ago

Composer. Why, What, and How?

If you’ve been up-to-date with the latest PHP frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, and Slim you may have heard of a new term called ‘Composer’. If you find yourself questioning what this new...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Understanding Composer

In this video we'll be talking about composer. If you are new to composer this will help you understand why you may want to use composer in your package. If you are already familiar with com...

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