
Blog posts, videos, courses, and more

Supernova3339 · 1 year ago

The Importance of a CSS Preloader and How to Implement One

In today's fast-paced world, online users have come to expect quick and seamless interactions with websites and applications. Slow loading times, while common, can leave users feeling frustr...

Mr. Ånand · 2 years ago

Creating Personal Blog With Hugo and Netlify

In this Article! I am going to share the step-by-step method I followed while building a blog website using a static site generator Hugo and deploying it to Netlify. I encountered some small...

GeekTech · 2 years ago

Flask Blog Tutorial #2: User Registration and Interacting with MySQL

Howdy Geeks! 👋 I am back again. Previous version In this article, we will create a database to save user information for registration and create forms for registration. We will use MySQL...

GeekTech · 2 years ago

Flask Blog Tutorial #1: Getting Started

Howdy Geeks! 👋 I will build a web app alongside this article and this will act as a guide as I would share my struggles and we will debug as well. Let's git this shii! 🚀 What is Flask? Fla...

TechvBlogs · 2 years ago

Build a Basic CRUD App with Laravel 8 and React.js

What is React.js? React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components. It is maintained by Meta and a community of individual dev...

Sachin Chaurasiya · 2 years ago

How Much JavaScript You Need To Know To Start With ReactJs

If you are planning to learn to react then you must know the most recent JavaScript features that you will use over and over in React. There is no need to be an expert in these topics right...

Tony Lea · 4 years ago

Create a Blog in Laravel and Livewire

In this tutorial, we are going to walk-through creating a simple blog in Laravel and Livewire. It will be pretty simple and can be used as a starting point for building your blog with these...

Bobby Iliev · 4 years ago

How to generate title slugs in Laravel?

Introduction If you are not sure what a slug exactly is, you should go through this post here first: There are many reasons why you would want to h...

Tony Lea · 4 years ago

9 Reasons to Create a Developer Blog

There are so many great reasons to create a developer blog. If you're a developer and you do not have your own blog, you should be sure to check out the DevDojo Blogging Platform. In this ar...

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