What's this all about?
Geekshop is a PHP script where you can display geeky and cool products on your website. You can create a site like thisiswhyimbroke.com and many other popular product affiliate sites. Geekshop is built on top of Laravel and Voyager.

GeekShop Features

Full Admin Panel
Geekshop was built using Laravel Voyager so you can manage all of the content on your site easily and quickly. The full admin panel will help you manage and build your Geekshop website.

Display Products
Display geeky products on your site and provide an affiliate link to make money when a user purchases the product using your link!

Add New Products
Quickly and easily add new products to your site within your admin panel. Very easy to use and upload new products.

Create Categories for Products
You can easily organize all the products in your site by category. You will be able to add/edit/delete your custom categories and assign a product to multiple categories.

Blog Posts
Every good site has a blog and Geekshop is no exception. You will be able add/edit/delete blog posts on your site and your visitors will be able to read your posts and articles.

User Login and Registration
Users can sign up for an account and they will be able to like products to save them for later and comment on your products.

Media Manager
Manage all the media on your site with the Admin Media manager. You will be able to upload images, documents, videos, and any other type of media.

Settings and More!
You can easily change your site settings to customize the site and make it your own. There is so much more included in the script. Be sure to checkout the documentation to learn more.