Sushi Points

Earn points, climb the leaderboard, and unlock features.

How to earn points

Sushi Points are earned by performing various actions throughout the site, some can be earned multiple times and some of once. Here are the current ways to earn points:

Daily Login
Every day you login or every day you visit the site you will be awarded +5 Sushi Points. So make sure to come back and visit each day so you can earn your daily sushi points!
Floating Sushi
As you are active on the site you may randomly see some Sushi floating up on the screen. Be sure to click that Sushi and you'll be awarded +1 Sushi Point.
Finishing Video
Everytime you complete a video you will be awarded with +1 Sushi Points. For watching videos you are allowed 3 points per day. Any video you complete after that will not award you any points, you'll have to check in the next day and watch more videos ;)
Created Post
25 Points when you create a post on the DevDojo, and that post gets approved and added to the homepage

Click Here to Create a Post
Answer a Forum Question
This is awarded when you answer a forum post and the user selects your answer as the selected answer. 20 points awarded.
Reaction Point
This is awarded when you react to a post. You are allowed 3 points per day.
Comment Point
This is awarded when you comment on a post. You are allowed 3 points per day.

Be sure to check back soon.
We'll be updating the amount of ways to earn sushi points :)