In this video course you are going to learn the ins and outs of using Voyager. You will learn how you can use Voyager to administer your Laravel application.

In this course you will learn how to install Voyager, how to configure Voyager, and much much more. Take a look at the video breakdown below:
- Voyager Intro
- Installing Voyager
- Voyager Configurations
- Routing in Voyager
- Media Manager in Voyager
- Menus in Voyager
- The Voyager Database Manager
- The Voyager BREAD Builder
- Voyager Relationships
- Settings in Voyager
- Voyager Compass
- Roles and Permissions in Voyager
- Voyager Dashboard Analytics
- Advanced BREAD Options in Voyager
- Voyager Dashboard Widgets
- Voyager Custom Menus
- Overriding Voyager Views
- Thanks
If you have any issues or questions be sure to checkout the official repo at, additionally you can checkout the homepage at
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