Laravel 5.3 Basics

Created on December 28, 2018

In this course you are going to learn the ins-and-outs of Laravel 5.3. This course will teach you all you need to start creating web applications in Laravel 5.

Take a look at the course breakdown below:

1. Introduction

In this quick intro we'll give you an explanation of what to expect in this course.

2. Composer and the Laravel Installer

In this first video we'll be talking about Composer and the Laravel Installer. Composer is a command line tool that you can use to install other libraries and tools. One of those tools that you can install via composer is the Laravel Installer.

You can checkout more about composer at

The great thing about the laravel installer is that we can have a new app up and running in a matter of seconds by typing the following in a command line:

laravel new application

3. Laravel File Structure

In this video we'll be talking about the Laravel file structure and giving a brief explanation of what each file/folder is used for.

4. Laravel Routing

In this video we'll be showing you how easy it is to use routing in Laravel. As an example take a look at the following code:


Route::get('hello', function(){
    echo 'Hello Laravel';

And then if we were to visit http://localhost:8000/hello you would see a the text 'Hello Laravel' printed in the browser.

Adding routes to your Laravel application couldn't be easier.

5. Laravel Artisan

In this video we'll show you how you can use the Artisan tool to generate files and perform tasks. Take a look at how easy you can create a new model:

php artisan make:model Customer

And you will now have a new Customer.php model in your app folder.

Next, it's just as easy to create a controller:

php artisan make:controller CustomerController

And now a new file will be created in your app\Http\Controllers directory.

Be sure to checkout the Laravel documentation to learn more about all the artisan commands you can use while building out your Laravel app.

6. Laravel Models

Laravel Models allow us an easy way to interact with the tables in our database.

Never has been interacting with database data been so fun. Simply create your database table and create your Model and you can leverage all the functions provided by Eloquent to interact with that table in your database.

Be sure to checkout the Laravel documentation on Models and Eloquent to learn more

7. Laravel Relationships

In this video we'll show you how you can easily use relationships to have your database tables talk to each other.

It's a really simple concept and it makes coding and interacting with your database more elegant and fun.

Checkout the official documentation on Laravel relationships at

8. Laravel Views

In this video we'll be showing you how to use Laravel Views. The views are essentially what is displayed for the user. These pages will contain the primary HTML and CSS output for your application. Learn more about views at

9. Laravel Blade Templating

In this video we'll show you how to use Laravel Blade Templating. Blade allows us to write super clean and efficient output for our app.

10. Laravel Controllers

In this video we'll be talking about Laravel Controllers. Controllers is where the main logic of our application will live. You can learn more about Laravel controllers at

11. Laravel Authentication

In this video we'll show you how easy it is to get setup with a full authentication system in Laravel. Within a matter of a few minutes we can have a full authentication system including login, register, and forgot password. You can checkout the full documentation on laravel authentication at

12. Laravel Middleware

In this video we'll show you how to use Laravel Middleware. Using Middleware you can run functionality between requests to your app. Let's say for instance that you wanted to make a page only available to logged in users. You could easily accomplish this by leveraging Middleware.

13. Laravel Migrations

Migrations allow you to store your database schema inside of your project files. Using migrations will help you share your application with other developers and it will also make upgrading or downgrading to versions of your application much easier.

Instead of storing all your database schemas inside of SQL files you can now store your database schema inside of php files.

Learn more about migrations at the official Laravel migrations documentation page.

14. Laravel Seeds

Laravel Seeds are used to seed your database with data. Migrations are used to store your applications database schema and Seeds are used to seed your database with data after you have run your migrations.

You can learn more about Database Seeds at the Laravel Seeds Documentation Page.

15. Laravel CSRF Protection

CSRF Protection is a security token that gets created when we submit forms to a server. A simple CSRF token helper is built-in to laravel so we can easily integrate a secure form into our web application.

To learn more about CSRF Tokens head over the the Laravel CSRF documentation page.

16. Laravel Requests

Laravel Requests allow us to get requests sent from the client. When a user fills out a form and presses the submit button, the form sends a request to the server. In this video we'll show you how to handle those requests.

To learn more about requests be sure to checkout the Laravel requests documentation.

17. Laravel Responses

In the previous video we discussed Requests, which is a client making a request to your Laravel app or your server. In this video we cover the Response that your Laravel returns back to the user. A response is simply enough when data is sent back to the client and displayed in the browser. This can be as simple as outputting a string. Some of the more common responses include a JSON response or a view response.

To learn more about responses checkout the Laravel response documentation.

18. Laravel Sessions

In this episode we'll teach you how you can use the session helper to set and get sessions. Using the Laravel session driver you can specify whether you want your sessions to be stored in the database, files, or a cookie.

Learn more about Laravel sessions at the official Laravel documentation page.

19. Adding Editing & Deleting Database Data

In this final video we wanted to show you how to add, edit, and delete data from the database. In the previous videos we showed you how to retrieve data and interact with your database, so in this final video we wanted to wrap things up by showing you how you can add/edit/delete data from your database.

Thanks again for checking out this Laravel 5.3 video course :)

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19 videos (1 hour and 27 minutes)


0% completed
Now Playing 1. Introduction
2. Composer and the Laravel Installer
3. Laravel File Structure
4. Laravel Routing
5. Laravel Artisan
6. Laravel Models
7. Laravel Relationships
8. Laravel Views
9. Laravel Blade Templating
10. Laravel Controllers
11. Laravel Authentication
12. Laravel Middleware
13. Laravel Migrations
14. Laravel Seeds
15. Laravel CSRF Protection
16. Laravel Requests
17. Laravel Responses
18. Laravel Sessions
19. Laravel - Adding Editing & Deleting Database Data