Introduction to Bash Scripting

Created on February 3, 2021

Hello everybody! Welcome to this Introduction to bash scripting video series, where you will learn the basics of bash scripting and start creating some awesome scripts!

My name is Bobby and I've been working as a Linux system administrator for the past 7 years and a few months ago I wrote an opensource ebook on how to get started with Bash scripting, for more information on how to download the book for free check out the video description.

In this video series, we are going to spin up a Linux server on DigitalOcean and create our scripts on there. If you are new to this channel make sure to hit the subscribe button and I will see you in the next video!

Useful links:

* The Introduction to Bash Scripting Opensource eBook

* Free $100 Credit For DigitalOcean

* DevDojo Bash guide

* Website

* Twitter

* YouTube

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Introduction to Bash Scripting

13 videos (36 minutes)


0% completed
Now Playing 1. Introduction to Bash Scripting
2. Getting Started
3. Hello World
4. Variables
5. User Input
7. Arguments
8. Arrays
9. Conditionals
10. Loops
11. Functions
12. Debugging
13. Wrapping up