Table of Contents

Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up

A zombie developer does not typically read books, whereas a Laravel developer finishes books they have started and they always continue learning.

It looks like you're on your way to becoming an awesome Laravel Developer!

Wrapping Up

Whoa! We made it! You just learned the basics of Laravel, and shortly you'll be on your way to building the latest and greatest app!

There are so many more fun things to learn about Laravel that we have not included in this book, so be sure to head over to the Laravel documentation and give it a read.

It's one of the most enjoyable documentations available.


Laravel has quickly become one of the most popular PHP frameworks available today. It should be no doubt that there are plenty of resources out there to further your Laravel knowledge.

Here are some resources that will help you on your way to advancing your Laravel skills:

  • (The Laravel Docs)
  • (Best Video Resource for Modern PHP and Laravel)
  • (Latest news on Laravel)
  • (Awesome resource for Laravel Articles)
  • (Video resource with Dev & Laravel Screencasts)

Words of Encouragement

Before you set off on your journey to becoming a better PHP developer and leveraging the powers of Laravel I want to share a bit of wisdom with you.

Having fellow developers around you can help you grow and increase your skills; however, there may also be other developers who will tell you the way you are doing things are wrong and that you should be doing things this way or that way.

These kinds of people can distract or discourage you from time to time.

So, my words of encouragement when you encounter people like that is to take what they have to say with a grain of salt. Many people will help you learn something new, but some may prevent you from learning something new.

Never be afraid to take chances and to keep pushing the envelope.

My advice is to block out any negativity or discouragement. We are all in this together and when it comes down to it, there is no right or wrong way to do things. If you have done something wrong and it has forced you to learn, then that wrong thing was the right thing to do to get you to your next level.

A New Reality

Using Laravel and bettering your knowledge of development will open up a wide array of opportunities. A new reality will open up, whether that is to work for yourself one day or to make some extra money on the side.

Being a web developer is an excellent and exciting career choice. The demand for web developers is at an all time high.

If you are just starting off in web development, I would like to encourage you to keep on going! If you have already been doing web development for some time, give yourself a pat on the back because you've made a great choice.

Most people will agree that building and creating something is very satisfying, and as web developers we get to do just that! We get to take an idea and make it come to life!

Web development is everchanging, so continue growing, learning, encouraging, and creating.