
Golang posts, videos, courses, and more

GeekTech · 2 years ago

Everything you need to know about Go-Lang - #2

You probably have heard about Google's cool language called Golang. Golang is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thom...

Arindol Sarkar · 2 years ago

8 Ways to Make Your Code Look Cleaner and Better👀!

1. Indentation and Formatting : Use of Proper indentation makes your code look a lot cleaner and organized. It helps in identifying blocks. Sometimes maintaining proper indentation isn't pos...

Andrei Rat · 2 years ago

How to run Go in Android Applications

After a few years as an employee, I decided to go on my own to be able to explore more, get out of my comfort zone and have more time for my side projects ( I’ll tell you later why this is b...

GeekTech · 2 years ago

Everything you need to know about Go-Lang - #1

You probably have heard about Google's cool language called Golang. Golang is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Tho...

Ruan Bekker · 3 years ago

Setup a Hugo Blog with the Kiera Theme

In this tutorial we will setup a Hugo Blog with the Kiera theme on Linux and will be using Ubuntu for this demonstration, but since Hugo runs on Go, you can run this on Windows, Linux or Mac...

Tony Lea · 5 years ago

Getting Started With Go

What Is Go?Go or Golang is a server side technology initially developed at Google. You can use Golang to build some kickass server side applications or use it to build fast command line tool...

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