How Much Do I Earn

How much will you earn?

When you submit a video to DevDojo, you will enter a revenue share which is split amongst all the other teachers.

The DevDojo pays the teachers and content creators 50% of all revenue earned on the website. 10% goes to Tutorial and Article views and 40% goes to Courses and Episodes.

The way a teacher earns revenue is based on how many minutes each video is watched. Every time a subscribed user watches your courses or video you will get paid for each minute watched.

Example scenario

Based on monthly revenue, your video minutes watched will earn you a percentage of overall revenue.

Here is an example scenario:

monthly revenue: $100,000

revenue paid for videos: $40,000

your video minutes watched: 3000

all minutes watched this month: 50,000

percentage of minutes watched 6%

6% of $40,000 will be your pay out. Your monthly payout will be $2,400.

How is the rest of the revenue used?

20% Operational costs

DevDojo pays the content creators to keep the content fresh and up to date; however, in order for the site to exist and operate a portion of the revenue must be used for operation cost. There is a 20% operational cost which includes server costs, continual development, and content moderation.

30% Marketing

Finally, there is a 30% marketing fund. This means the content you submit will be promoted and advertised to keep users coming and subscribing to the site. This means more revenue for the site and more revenue for the content creators!

As the site grows, so does your profit. Right now is a really exciting time for the content creators to get in on the ground floor and make a big impact and big profit as we all grow together.