
Dec 5th, 2018 08:06 AM


Long stroy short. Bought Ninja Media Scrip.

Installed everything (followed steps from documentation) and at the end of the day images are not there and looks like CSS is also no there.

php artisan storage:link - done from root of the app. There where no errors while doing installation. Well there was error when linking storage but the problem was undone.


Dec 6th, 2018 11:44 PM

Try using View Source and see where are your CSS links pointing to. This might give you an idea.


Dec 8th, 2018 06:02 PM

When “view source” it shows that:

Images (any) – Failed to load resource: server responded with a status of 404 (Not found)

app.js – “An error occurred trying to load the resource.”

app.css – “An error occurred trying to load the resource.”

P.S php artisan storage:link was done right from the root folder of the app.