Adding Ads to Pixel v2


Apr 15th, 2017 06:17 PM

In the current release of Pixel Version 2 you may need to add a few fields in your admin settings. When you visit /admin/settings, you will need to scroll down to the bottom and add 2 new fields:

screenshot 1 for new fields


screenshot 2 for new fields

Note: You will need to add an empty object {} in options field

Then, with the theme you are using you will need to navigate to resources/views/themes/default/partials/ads300x250.blade.php and replace the contents with the following:

@if (setting('ads300x250', ''))
	<div class='ads300x250'><?= setting('ads300x250') ?></div>
	<div class='ads300x250'>
		<img src="/assets/default/img/ads300x250.png">

Then inside of resources/views/themes/default/partials/ads728x90.blade.php you will need to replace the contents of that file with:

@if (setting('ads728x90', ''))
	<div class='ads728x90'><?= setting('ads728x90') ?></div>
	<div class="ads728x90">
		<img src="/assets/default/img/ads728x90.png">

Now, if you visit your site and you have added your code into the new settings field you have created you will see your ad placements on your site.

An update will be out this next week that will include these updates.

Thanks :)


Apr 15th, 2017 06:43 PM

his error occurs


Apr 15th, 2017 06:54 PM

Sorry, try again for switching:

<div class='ads728x90'>{{ setting('ads728x90') }}</div>


<div class='ads728x90'><?= setting('ads728x90') ?></div>


<div class='ads728x90'>{{ setting('ads300x250') }}</div>


<div class='ads728x90'><?= setting('ads300x250') ?></div>

And you should be good to go :)


Apr 15th, 2017 07:04 PM

thanks a lot goes wrong


Apr 16th, 2017 06:34 AM

in which the file must implement verification code ads?

<script></script> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-1796711750088979", enable_page_level_ads: true }); </script>

Apr 16th, 2017 06:35 AM


We’re reviewing your site.

Reviewing your site will take up to 3 days. We'll email you when we're done.

Paste it into the HTML of, right after the head tag.


Apr 16th, 2017 11:36 PM

The files are the following:

resources/views/themes/default/partials/ads300x250.blade.php resources/views/themes/default/partials/ads720x90.blade.php

This will be different if you are using the white theme, you can change default with white above.

I don't see that message of where it says 'Reviewing your site will take up to 3 days', if you are seeing that somewhere that is probably the ad network you are using. Which advertising platform are you trying to use? Let me know :)
