6 Tech Options to Help Your Small Business

6 Tech Options to Help Your Small Business

Written by Ghost on Apr 2nd, 2020 Views Report Post

As a newbie in the world of small business ownership, it can get easy to feel overwhelmed or behind the eight ball when trying to figure things out. Fortunately, a handy little thing called technology can revolutionize your operations and help you stay on track with sales and service needs. Though you may be leery of making a huge investment right away, there are some tools that will prove indispensable for the amount of money you need to spend. Here are some things that should make your shortlist for tech investments.

Project Management Software

Running several different areas of operations will be difficult, especially if your business deals with more project-based activities. With project management software, you can collaborate between alternating areas, adding in a timeline and resources as needed. Employees or those with designs or ideas for the project can offer input, so long as you choose a cloud-based application. If you aren’t sure how extensive your needs may be, there are several sites online that offer a trial version. This is a good way to test any potential software platform.

Internal Chat Platform

While emails are still a heavily-used form of intra-company communications, using an internal chat feature like Hip Chat can increase the real-time feedback potential. For discussions or decision-making needs, it is easier for employees to gauge each other’s response when a chat box keeps a running commentary going. It also seems to open doors for interpersonal connectivity between employees.

Data Management Software

Tech experts believe that the future of any sized business will be dependent upon the integration of data and analytics. Tracking performance, whether through sales leads or website traffic, will be an area that needs extreme attention if you are to capitalize on growth opportunities. Customer relationship management is an area that influences marketing strategies, and major corporations like Wells Fargo and Activision are just a few expert CRM examples in operations. There are many software platforms that can track all of these areas, generating reports and isolating areas for further analysis.

Multimedia Equipment

When it comes to marketing, the number one asset to spend your resources on is video equipment. It is a digital world out there, with consumers heading to mobile phones and tablets for interaction with a brand or product. They don’t want to read a review; they want to see it in action. You could spend a lot of money to bring a professional videographer and make a commercial or demo, but with an equal investment in easy-to-use video equipment, your team could do it themselves. Social media apps tend to be more fruitful by way of engagement and conversion rates when video uploads are included. Don’t just rely on a webcam. Invest in some quality equipment.

Portable Internet

Some small companies don't have a hardline for internet services, especially if you aren’t operating out of an office or warehouse. A cost-saving measure could be an investment into a USB modem and scalable data plan. With this equipment, you can connect to the internet without the need for a Wi-Fi environment or a direct-link modem. You can be more flexible with where you take your business operations.

Training Software

As a new business, you may not have any other employees but yourself. However, as things change, you will need to train new staff efficiently but effectively. Employee morale has a lot to do with your company’s reputation and service experience. Thoroughly onboarding new hires can help get your employees grounded in both the company culture and the position’s expectations. A hands-on approach to training is the best way to get started, but you can continue the effort with self-paced training. There are several training software options that allow you to create lessons that employees can work through to reinforce the onboarding they have received.

Technology can be a real asset as you look to expand and build your business. With the right programs or equipment in place, you can improve efficiency without having to diminish your resources.

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